The Uncivil Civil War
“What liberalism notices as the evils of society—crime, delinquency, war, hunger, unemployment, communism—are the results of ignorance and faulty social institutions or arrangements. The effective method for getting rid of the evils is therefore to eliminate the ignorance (by education) and to reform the institutions.
“It follows as a corollary that we have no rational basis for “blaming” the criminals for their crimes, teen-agers for their muggings and rumbles, soldiers for wars, the poor of India or Egypt for their hunger, the non-working for their joblessness, the city dwellers for the decay of their city, or the Communist Party for communism. They cannot be blamed for being ignorant, for not having been given a proper education; nor for the faulty institutions into which they were born. Since no one is to blame—except society, with her shady past—there is no ground for a retributive theory of punishment, for “vengeance,” as liberals call it. Our aim in the treatment of delinquents, criminals, soldiers, and communists must be to educate, or re-educate, them into good, that is, liberal citizens; and meanwhile to improve the bad conditions—slums, poverty, lack of schoolrooms, lack of democracy—that produced them.”
“It follows as a corollary that we have no rational basis for “blaming” the criminals for their crimes, teen-agers for their muggings and rumbles, soldiers for wars, the poor of India or Egypt for their hunger, the non-working for their joblessness, the city dwellers for the decay of their city, or the Communist Party for communism. They cannot be blamed for being ignorant, for not having been given a proper education; nor for the faulty institutions into which they were born. Since no one is to blame—except society, with her shady past—there is no ground for a retributive theory of punishment, for “vengeance,” as liberals call it. Our aim in the treatment of delinquents, criminals, soldiers, and communists must be to educate, or re-educate, them into good, that is, liberal citizens; and meanwhile to improve the bad conditions—slums, poverty, lack of schoolrooms, lack of democracy—that produced them.”
We Americans for several decades now have been caught in the middle of a culture war between greed and stupidity. Both sides look at this country as a prize and are vying for ownership, the corporations on the right and the liberals on the left. Neither of them are reflective of “government by the people,” but instead both sides only represent themselves and instead of supporting us, actually demand that we support them. The activities on the southern border show us that indeed the liberals care more about the illegal immigrants than about us—showing us that they will give them drivers licenses, protection from law enforcement, free education, mortgages, and anything else they need—at our expense. Love for illegal aliens and disdain for us—is that what we look for in an American political party? And the corporations are no better, wanting to erase the internal borders completely so that the most desirable workers—those who work cheap--can be identified, gathered up, and sent where needed, without nationality or union problems.
The liberals do not talk about greed. The closest they come is wanting to tax the greedy ones more. Why are there slums and poverty? We have greedy people who want only one thing from their investments—more! We have greedy CEOs and others who want the same thing—more! And the only amounts given back to our community are whatever it takes to reduce taxes. I venture to say that more money is spent to buy political power than to help the poorer people. Things have gotten so bad with regard to corporate greed, we are in danger of losing control of this country to greedy global corporations who are now in the process of hi-jacking the country and turning it into their very own pool of buyers and workers.
And besides the greed of slum lords, greedy corporations and others, we have teenagers seduced by the programs on TV to be older than they are, to leave school and sell drugs, engage in grown-up wars of neighborhood control, criminal enterprises, or “racial pride.” Their new achievements are shown by the gold they wear on their fingers or around their necks. But even with their money, they have little to look forward to except prison and an early grave. But besides the criminal element, we have still another element that sees adulthood as just being married, having kids, enduring a labor job that pays the bills, rents movies, and allows watching sports events with a color TV and a six-pack. Why kids have not been shown the difference between jobs and careers, I do not know. Perhaps they have been shown, but either did not believe it, or stayed home that day. One medical bill is financial ruin. If the job leaves the country or the owners sell out and leave, or the business fails because of miss-management or being overly taxed, the workers become additional casualties of economic and political greed, and of the failure of the liberals’ view of education. The rest of the taxpayers have to pick up that additional burden. One might say, some of our people make it very easy for people on both sides to exploit them, then marginalize them.
What do our kids learn in our school rooms? How great our country is? How we rally around our president, especially in time of war? How we have managed to maintain our original concept of government when France, one of our chief detractors, is on its fifth try? Do we teach the Ten Commandments as guiding principles? How many of our kids have heard the patriotic speech of Patrick Henry? Have they studied Nathan Hale or Betsy Ross or even our first elected president, George Washington? Is Islam more favorable to the liberals that they allow teaching it in our schools—while showing complete disdain for Christianity and Judaism, the foundations of philosophy that created this nation? Have they our kids been exposed to the optimism of success? Have they learned in recess games that although there are winners and losers, that losers can get better and win next time? The greedy corporations do not care what most of the country learns in school. What they care about is that they can hire them into the corporation and work them at a low wage level without complaint—until the corporation has worn the worker out and can toss him aside without further cost to them. Their kids and grandchildren may follow in each worker’s footsteps, being used, abused, and then refused. To the corporations the only reasons for using people instead of robots is that robots do not reproduce themselves and require more maintenance, and may even cost more. Have our kids been taught to take an interest in government and be able to discriminate between right and wrong? Do they know how important voting really is?
As far as soldiers are concerned, you cannot blame the wars on the soldiers. More often than not you can blame it on people (liberals) who refuse to stand up for their own country, their own nation, preferring to kneel and apologize to the world for being successful (as did Carter) rather than state clearly that we will protect our interests and our friends and allies. One wonders at the shock Mr. Carter suffered at the audacity of Iran to completely humiliate the United States after he all but pleaded with them to do so. A president of the United States has no right to be a coward or turn the other cheek. Neither does any American leader. And blowing up a $50 tent with a million-dollar missile is not much better. And pleading with our enemies to hold out a few more months until congress can cut the funding is to me the height of criminal stupidity! Patriotism is no refuge for liberals. Indeed, the idea of a nation to them is hatefully akin to an elitism that separates their group from the rest of humanity, while the rest of us are proud of the difference! Indeed, they are ashamed of the difference and fight the rest of us tooth-and-nail to erase the idea of an “American” and instead reduce us to residents of planet earth, or perhaps The North American Union. How can liberals influence our youth to do well and be all they can be when liberals themselves act so shamefully?
“For liberalism, the direct purpose of the education they speak so highly about cannot be to produce a “good citizen,” to lead toward holiness or salvation, to inculcate a nation’s, a creed’s or a race’s traditions, habits, and ceremonies, or anything of that sort. Nor is there any need that it should be, for the logic of liberalism assures us that, given the right sort of education—that is, rational education—the pupil, in whose nature there is no innate and permanent defect or corruption, will necessarily become the good citizen; and, with the right sort of education universalized [through the oh-so-perfect United Nations—hjs], the good citizens together will produce the good society.” (ibid).
In other words, after a few more decades have elapsed, liberalism will produce more Bill Clintons, Jacques Chiracs and Kofi Annans, but certainly no Billy Grahams or Martin Luther Kings. We may never see another Pope John Paul II. We see every day that liberalism unchecked in Europe has led to economic chaos and cultural decay. If it remains unchecked in the United States, liberalism in Europe and America finally will die—by the swords of the Caliphate that the liberals themselves helped bring about. But the global corporations are no better in this regard, since nations have lost their luster among the corporate lions. Corporations want buyers and workers and do not care where they are or who they are. If they can import workers from an almost unknown corner of the world to replace American workers and double or even triple unemployment in this country, they would take less time to decide on the non-Americans than it would take me to choose a tie.
We have just seen how terribly naive and stupid Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and so many in that party really are and they have not been in power that long. We know that power corrupts, but we didn’t know it could be that fast. They consider politics as a child’s game of checkers, where winning the little prizes counts and no one considers the consequences; tomorrow is another day to play more games. “What fools these mortals be.” And if you want to know just how much the global corporations love this country, enter North American Union in any search engine. You will find about 12-15 pages of websites on ask.com, but the Administration denies its existence. Unbelievable!
We are fighting the North American Union with several campaigns on the part of individual citizens demanding their states oppose it and the super corridors. So far 12 states have approved and acted on such demands. A far as liberals are concerned, the power of the vote as well as write-your-congressman campaigns can help immeasurably.
The liberals do not talk about greed. The closest they come is wanting to tax the greedy ones more. Why are there slums and poverty? We have greedy people who want only one thing from their investments—more! We have greedy CEOs and others who want the same thing—more! And the only amounts given back to our community are whatever it takes to reduce taxes. I venture to say that more money is spent to buy political power than to help the poorer people. Things have gotten so bad with regard to corporate greed, we are in danger of losing control of this country to greedy global corporations who are now in the process of hi-jacking the country and turning it into their very own pool of buyers and workers.
And besides the greed of slum lords, greedy corporations and others, we have teenagers seduced by the programs on TV to be older than they are, to leave school and sell drugs, engage in grown-up wars of neighborhood control, criminal enterprises, or “racial pride.” Their new achievements are shown by the gold they wear on their fingers or around their necks. But even with their money, they have little to look forward to except prison and an early grave. But besides the criminal element, we have still another element that sees adulthood as just being married, having kids, enduring a labor job that pays the bills, rents movies, and allows watching sports events with a color TV and a six-pack. Why kids have not been shown the difference between jobs and careers, I do not know. Perhaps they have been shown, but either did not believe it, or stayed home that day. One medical bill is financial ruin. If the job leaves the country or the owners sell out and leave, or the business fails because of miss-management or being overly taxed, the workers become additional casualties of economic and political greed, and of the failure of the liberals’ view of education. The rest of the taxpayers have to pick up that additional burden. One might say, some of our people make it very easy for people on both sides to exploit them, then marginalize them.
What do our kids learn in our school rooms? How great our country is? How we rally around our president, especially in time of war? How we have managed to maintain our original concept of government when France, one of our chief detractors, is on its fifth try? Do we teach the Ten Commandments as guiding principles? How many of our kids have heard the patriotic speech of Patrick Henry? Have they studied Nathan Hale or Betsy Ross or even our first elected president, George Washington? Is Islam more favorable to the liberals that they allow teaching it in our schools—while showing complete disdain for Christianity and Judaism, the foundations of philosophy that created this nation? Have they our kids been exposed to the optimism of success? Have they learned in recess games that although there are winners and losers, that losers can get better and win next time? The greedy corporations do not care what most of the country learns in school. What they care about is that they can hire them into the corporation and work them at a low wage level without complaint—until the corporation has worn the worker out and can toss him aside without further cost to them. Their kids and grandchildren may follow in each worker’s footsteps, being used, abused, and then refused. To the corporations the only reasons for using people instead of robots is that robots do not reproduce themselves and require more maintenance, and may even cost more. Have our kids been taught to take an interest in government and be able to discriminate between right and wrong? Do they know how important voting really is?
As far as soldiers are concerned, you cannot blame the wars on the soldiers. More often than not you can blame it on people (liberals) who refuse to stand up for their own country, their own nation, preferring to kneel and apologize to the world for being successful (as did Carter) rather than state clearly that we will protect our interests and our friends and allies. One wonders at the shock Mr. Carter suffered at the audacity of Iran to completely humiliate the United States after he all but pleaded with them to do so. A president of the United States has no right to be a coward or turn the other cheek. Neither does any American leader. And blowing up a $50 tent with a million-dollar missile is not much better. And pleading with our enemies to hold out a few more months until congress can cut the funding is to me the height of criminal stupidity! Patriotism is no refuge for liberals. Indeed, the idea of a nation to them is hatefully akin to an elitism that separates their group from the rest of humanity, while the rest of us are proud of the difference! Indeed, they are ashamed of the difference and fight the rest of us tooth-and-nail to erase the idea of an “American” and instead reduce us to residents of planet earth, or perhaps The North American Union. How can liberals influence our youth to do well and be all they can be when liberals themselves act so shamefully?
“For liberalism, the direct purpose of the education they speak so highly about cannot be to produce a “good citizen,” to lead toward holiness or salvation, to inculcate a nation’s, a creed’s or a race’s traditions, habits, and ceremonies, or anything of that sort. Nor is there any need that it should be, for the logic of liberalism assures us that, given the right sort of education—that is, rational education—the pupil, in whose nature there is no innate and permanent defect or corruption, will necessarily become the good citizen; and, with the right sort of education universalized [through the oh-so-perfect United Nations—hjs], the good citizens together will produce the good society.” (ibid).
In other words, after a few more decades have elapsed, liberalism will produce more Bill Clintons, Jacques Chiracs and Kofi Annans, but certainly no Billy Grahams or Martin Luther Kings. We may never see another Pope John Paul II. We see every day that liberalism unchecked in Europe has led to economic chaos and cultural decay. If it remains unchecked in the United States, liberalism in Europe and America finally will die—by the swords of the Caliphate that the liberals themselves helped bring about. But the global corporations are no better in this regard, since nations have lost their luster among the corporate lions. Corporations want buyers and workers and do not care where they are or who they are. If they can import workers from an almost unknown corner of the world to replace American workers and double or even triple unemployment in this country, they would take less time to decide on the non-Americans than it would take me to choose a tie.
We have just seen how terribly naive and stupid Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and so many in that party really are and they have not been in power that long. We know that power corrupts, but we didn’t know it could be that fast. They consider politics as a child’s game of checkers, where winning the little prizes counts and no one considers the consequences; tomorrow is another day to play more games. “What fools these mortals be.” And if you want to know just how much the global corporations love this country, enter North American Union in any search engine. You will find about 12-15 pages of websites on ask.com, but the Administration denies its existence. Unbelievable!
We are fighting the North American Union with several campaigns on the part of individual citizens demanding their states oppose it and the super corridors. So far 12 states have approved and acted on such demands. A far as liberals are concerned, the power of the vote as well as write-your-congressman campaigns can help immeasurably.
1 comment:
From this citizen's view, we, the great unwashed are coming closer to 'America's shopping mall terror war pt.1.' It is apparent that our liberal media-elected government has stopped even pretending that they have our best interests at heart. The cowardliness they are showing our enemies and the rest of the world by deserting our troops in Iraq has shown how little they care for anything but partisan political power. Thus the resultant terrorist attacks on American soil may well be a blessing in disguise as it gives all Americans one last chance to join together and rid itself of the common enemies of corrupt government gone mad and murderous religious extremism. What do we have to lose?
Nice piece Harry, as always!
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