Thursday, June 07, 2012

Despite Being Recruited by President Obama, Democrat Carmona Makes a Political Retreat from President Obama

Claims: “I have no connections to President Obama”

PHOENIX – It’s a tough time to be a Democrat in Arizona. Just ask Richard Carmona.

For months, Democrats and the media have spun that Arizona is “in play” for President Obama and his fellow Democrats in 2012. But reality is setting in fast. Arizonans are not happy with the way Democrats have been running Washington. Our economy is still sputtering, unemployment remains at record highs, and the debt and deficit has exploded beyond belief.

Enter liberal Democrat Richard Carmona, who was personally recruited by President Obama last year to run for Senate in the hopes of giving us more of what we’ve had in recent years. Things like Obamacare, bailouts, and stimulus spending.

But in a surprising television interview with KTVK 3 in Phoenix, Carmona now is attempting to distance himself from the president, claiming that he has “no connections to President Obama.” As we saw in Wisconsin yesterday, President Obama is a political hot potato that has Democratic candidates on the run.

“Richard Carmona’s public retreat from President Obama is an embarrassing ploy to save his political skin,” said Andrew Wilder, communications director for the Flake campaign. “It’s strains credulity to claim that he now has ‘no connections’ to the very person who recruited him to run in the first place. I guess that’s gratitude for you.”

Arizona voters aren’t going to buy it. Running as the top Democrat in Arizona, recruited by the president himself, with no discernable daylight between the two on the issues, Carmona’s electoral fate is inextricably linked to President Obama.

Wilder noted, “Even if Richard Carmona runs away from President Obama himself, he won’t be able to run away from the albatross of supporting his policies. Carmona is Arizona’s highest-profile backer of Obamacare, the president’s signature policy achievement.”

For more information on Jeff Flake and why he’s running for the U.S. Senate, please visit his website at


Paid for by Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc.

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