As gas prices skyrocket, former Obama advisor Steven Rattner captures why Americans should be worried – Obama has “absolutely no energy policy.”
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough : "Talk to voters and they see ads, 30-second ads that say when Barack Obama was sworn in, it was $1.65, $1.85, now it's going up to $4. They're going to then pull out all those quotes where Barack Obama's against drilling and he wants to tax energy and this and that and the other. It's a viable issue for Republicans."
Former Obama Advisor Steven Rattner: "It's a viable issue. But let's look at the facts. The U.S., in fact, notwithstanding the fact we have absolutely no energy policy and we all including myself believe we should have one, has not really been that much a part of the problem lately." (MSNBC's " Morning Joe," 3/9/12)
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