Arizona Restaurant Hall of Fame inductee and Monti’s La Casa Vieja
owner Michael Monti is unquestionably the right person to be Tempe’s next Mayor.
We convey this not to denigrate someone who has served on the Tempe City Council with us for years. We appreciate Mark Mitchell’s service. We do so because having watched Mark and Michael Monti in action we believe Monti to be the better choice.
First, leadership. Michael Monti owns and leads a Tempe landmark. He employs 100 people. He must balance a budget every day. Such business acumen would be a powerful addition to the Tempe City Council.
Second, ideas. Have you followed his campaign? We like to think we have run thoughtful campaigns for office here in Tempe. Well, Michael Monti may have eclipsed us. From innovative ideas like harnessing our community’s great volunteerism to aid neighborhoods and seniors, to banning texting while driving to organizing a public beach at Town Lake through private not public contributions, Michael Monti has put forth a bold agenda to, as he says,”take Tempe from good to great.”
Third, achievement. Monti owns the anchor of Mill Avenue. When you think about it, being a restaurant owner is pretty good training to be a mayor. You have to listen to customers and get it right or you’ll go out of business. Well, Michael and his family have been getting it right for 55 years. He helped found Local First Arizona, an important business group dedicated to supporting home grown entrepreneurs. He’s been endorsed by the Tempe Chamber of Commerce. And his induction as the youngest member ever voted into the Arizona Restaurant Hall of Fame speaks volumes, as does his noble commitment to historic preservation.
When a candidate is this compelling, it causes one to respectfully decline support for those we have served with in favor of those we believe can serve Tempe better.
We believe Michael Monti is that person. But don’t just take our word for it.
Compare Michael Monti and Mark Mitchell yourself. A quick review of Michael can be had at Michael's web site. We think you will conclude, as we have, that there is only one choice that has the ability and the ideas to enhance your quality of life.
Paid for by Monti4Mayor
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