Thursday, May 19, 2011

AZGOP Email: You Know Who is Awesome? Tom Morrissey!!!!!!

The AZGOP sent me an email the other day.  Actually that's not true.  For some reason I'm not on their email list anymore, and there's no place on the website to sign up for the email list, so they didn't send it to me.

But they did send out an email.  It came from noted communications expert Thayer Verschoor.

It was entitled "Weekly Friday Report" and the theme of the message was that Tom Morrissey is like totally awesome and stuff.

I receive a lot of political emails.  In fact, Reince Priebus, Chairman of the RNC, sent me an email just the other day.  None of Reince Priebus' emails are about how awesome Reince Priebus is, however.

It seems that the AZGOP is taking a different approach.

The first paragraph of the Tom-Morrissey-is-Awesome-Newsletter-Post-Gazette talks about how Tommy made a promise to go to a lot of meetings in his acceptance speech.  The next paragraph explains that he has, in fact, gone to a lot of meetings.

The third paragraph talks about some more meetings that Tommy went to last week.  On Monday, some people allegedly wrote some checks.  Some more people allegedly promised to write some more checks later, presumably since they left their checkbooks at home that day.  Later in the week Tommy went to some more meetings.

The fifth paragraph mentions that next week, Tommy is going to go to a few more meetings.

The final paragraph tells you how you can get Tommy to come to a meeting near you!  (You do that by calling master scheduler Thayer Verschoor.)

So to summarize- Tom Morrissey said when he was elected that he would go to meetings, and he has met that promise.  For that, he is awesome.

And a promise keeper.  Any of Tom's five wives will tell you that when he makes a promise, he will keep it!

Tomorrow is Friday, so I can't wait to see what meetings Tom went to this week, and what meetings he has on the agenda for next week!  That guy is a one-man meeting machine!

I should also note that this email actually came from the "Arizona Republican Patrty (sic)".  Since we all know that the AZGOP is hyper-competent, and that noted communications expert Thayer Verschoor would never post something with a typo in it, I can only assume that the "Arizona Republican Patrty" is somehow affiliated with the Arizona Republican Party.  Maybe it's one of those shell groups that they set up to funnel funds through, like Arizonans for Public Safety.

Perhaps Thayer will explain it all in tomorrow's Friday Weekly Update.  But probably not.

1 comment:

Barbara Espinosa said...

I did not get the e-mail..However taking you to task, Along with no pay for the GOP Chair, part of the job description is to meet with groups and individuals. FYI this past week the chairman met with Reince Priebus in DC. Hope that gives you peace of mind.