Shane Wikfors had this to say:
The new leadership will struggle to make ends meet and may even suspend or shutdown operations. (This happened in Pima County in the early 90′s) Ultimately: More factionalism and fighting.I'm not sure that anyone predicted that the money would be gone by mid-February, however.
Thursday's Rumor Mill had the story of Brett Mecum and Matt Roberts ready to quit due to, you know, the lack of money to pay them. (Kind of a basic expectation for any job.)
This post on the AZGOP's Facebook page seems to reinforce the notion of a complete lack of funds, since now the party is soliciting volunteers for "general office work".

Facebook commenters are, shall we say, not amused. (I'm guessing the comments about the web site are based on the fact that Randy Pullen's name is still all over
As a point of clarification, I should note that they aren't exactly begging for volunteers. They are "currently accepting" them.
How magnanimous of them to allow us plebes the great opportunity to volunteer for them. Perhaps we'll even get the chance to meet King Morrissey and kiss his royal ring.
Unless he has to pawn it to keep the lights on at AZGOP HQ.
With Lynne Breyer stepping down as the President of the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, the tea party appears to be distancing themselves from Morrissey as well. Rumour is her connection to Morrissey led to her being forced out.
Fortunately, Morrissey is a charismatic creative leader who can ralley the troops to get this going and...oh, crap, I can't even pretend to write this without laughing...never mind!
On the other hand, Rob Haney can lend his extensive knowledge and expertise...nope, can't get myself to finish that load either...
God help us...
I don't think we need to publish our demise on the AZGOP webiste and have the Democrats laugh at us.
Morrissey needs to get his team set up and running ASAP. If he can't, he should step down and let people who can do the job handle it.
I thought one of the reasons we were supposed to vote for Tom was that his team was in place and had things working on the local level.
So why does he need any time to get up and running. Why doesn't his crack local team just take over the state party.
Oh yeah, because he was lying about having anything in place, and he doesn't have the skills to lead.
His local district is in shambles and doesn't have any money either.
Tom Morrissey- just another incompetent liar.
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