Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner November 10, 2010

Michael Barone - GOP freshmen will hold Boehner to his big promises

Boehner has promised to do things differently, and the freshmen -- who make up one-third of Republican members -- will surely hold him to it. The size of his majority will strengthen his hand against the appropriators.

Susan Ferrechio - GOP freshmen will have more clout -- and challenges

The 80-plus freshmen, many of them backed by the Tea Party, will be looking for more attention and power than congressional leaders have ever awarded any previous class of freshmen.

And they'll probably get it.

J.P. Freire - ‘Wall Street’s favorite Democrat’ to become a top Wall Street regulator?

Wall Street has given an estimated $2.5 million dollars to Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Ill., who is rumored to be a favorite pick to run the newly formed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should absentee ballots seal her apparent loss to Tea Party challenger Joe Walsh, R. According to records available from the Center for Responsive Politics, the securities and finance industry has been Bean’s top contributor, and the insurance and real estate industries also rank high.

The relationship between Bean and the industry is so cozy that the Huffington Post’s Arthur Delaney has referred to Bean as “Wall Street’s favorite Democrat.”

Julie Mason - He's back! Bush has a book but no regrets

Saying "I had my moment," former President George W. Bush told Oprah Winfrey Tuesday that he is done with public life.

"I view politics as a chapter in my life, and not my life," Bush said.

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