Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One presidential faux pas after another? By HJS


HJS Comments: India is a land of more than one religion, yet President Obama has chosen to acknowledge only one--Islam. With the hundreds of advisers he has with him, wouldn't a prudent person get the idea that at least a few would let him know that if he visits one holy place of one religion, it would be appropriate, if not de rigeur, to visit at least one or two more of other religions to at least hint that he is not a religious bigot?

Appearances do matter in presidential politics, especially in international presidential politics.

He seems to bristle whenever anyone suggests he might be a Muslim. Does he protest too much?

Naa. From what I've seen and heard, he doesn't know much about Islam, besides hearing the adhan call--and you need not leave the United States for that. I really do wonder about "experts" on the Obama staff who may have failed to warn the Obamas about Shaykh Muhammad al-Munajjid's Fatwa 2459 (a must-know for females visiting dignitaries in the Middle East). Surely, the State Department has guidelines about shaking hands with with the opposite sex in the Middle East, along with a list of each country's dignitaries who will be offended if a female even offers her hand in friendship.

Praise be to Allaah.

For a man to shake hands with a non-mahram woman (one to whom he is not related) is haraam and is not permitted at all. Among the evidence for this is the hadeeth of Ma’qal ibn Yassaar (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘If one of you were to be struck in the head with an iron needle, it would be better for him than if he were to touch a woman he is not allowed to. (Reported by al-Tabaraani; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 5045).

Obama visiting Muslim shrine in India -- no plans to visit Hindu, Buddhist, or other shrines

Obama is visiting Humayan's Tomb. Nasir ud-din Muhammad Humayun was a sixteenth-century Mughal emperor, whose empire encompassed modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and parts of northern India.

He is visiting, in other words, a Muslim shrine. He has no plans to visit any holy places of the Sikhs (such as the Golden Temple, Amritsar), or any Hindu holy places, Buddhist holy places, or Jain holy places. Nor does he plan to visit Nariman house, the Chabad house in Mumbai that was the chief target of the jihad mass-murderers who killed 173 people in November 2008.

Once again, Obama manifests a solicitude for Islam that he wouldn't dream of extending to other faiths.

An entry from our If-People-Think-Obama-Is-A-Muslim-He-Has-No-One-But-Himself-To-Blame Department: from "Maurya, Humayun await Obamas," in Rediff, November 7 (thanks to George):

Scores of policemen have also been posted outside the 16th century Humayun's Tomb, which the Obamas are expected to visit later today.

Posted by Robert on November 7, 2010 1:39 PM

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