Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner Sept 6, 2010

Michael Barone - Dems turn on Obama over Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo

The uncomfortable truth is that many -- not most, but many -- Democratic politicians and Democratic voters saw political benefit in an American defeat in Iraq. Many, including Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, then boss of Obama's new chief of staff Pete Rouse, thronged to the Washington premiere of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11." They tried to give every appearance of agreeing with the "Bush-lied-people-died" crowd and with those who charged that high-ranking officials colluded in systematic torture.

It was a lot of fun while it lasted, up to election night 2008 and Inauguration Day 2009. But then Obama had to govern.

Susan Ferrechio - Colo. incumbent battling to keep Senate seat

DENVER -- For the past few days, the news from the campaign trail has been discouraging for Sen. Michael Bennet, the Colorado Democrat who was appointed to his seat 20 months ago and now is fighting to win his first full term.

New polls show his Republican opponent, Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck, leading by about 5 percentage points, an advantage that Bennet has been unable to surmount in recent weeks.

Julie Mason -Biden embraces role as warm alternative to Obama on campaign trail

For many Democrats, Biden's gaffe-prone, lovable-goof routine is a welcome contrast to Obama, whose remote, professorial airs the administration is struggling to counter with backyard and family-style campaign events.

Matthew Sheffield - NRA may stop GOP from taking the House?

It would be interesting to see to what degree NRA critics are upset by the bipartisan strategy generally or whether it’s more about specific objections. Does an NRA endorsement actually mean that much? All questions that might be answered next month.

Mark Hemingway - MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell: Michael Steele is dancing for his GOP ‘master’

Try, if you can, to imagine the outrage if Bill O’Reilly or some other Fox News personality had gone the air and said that the Democratic party was Barack Obama’s “master.”

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Biden - Clinton job swap?!

How do you create a job?

Dog Whisperer to WH: Ur doing it wrong!

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