Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner Sept 5, 2010

Byron York - Why Big Labor couldn't match Glenn Beck's rally

Even after giving it everything they had, they still weren't able to draw as many people as Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August. Why not?

Because the labor movement is shrinking, aging and divided.

Mondale: Obama's teleprompters are 'idiot boards,' keep him from connecting with audiences

Former Vice President Walter Mondale said on CNN that President Obama relies too much on teleprompters -- which Mondale called "idiot boards" -- when speaking to the American people.

Julie Mason - Democrats say their election prospects are improving

"I'm not trying to be overly sanguine about this; it's a tough electoral environment," White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said of Democratic chances. "But we've made some progress and we're going to continue to do that."

Susan Ferrechio - Colorado Democrat runs against party's national record

FORT COLLINS, Colo. -- Rep. Betsy Markey is hardly embracing her party's agenda as she fights to get re-elected as a Democrat in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, but Republicans aren't letting her put any distance between herself and the national Democratic Party.

Sara Carter - U.S. troops now working with local militia groups

The whispered exchanges, occurring between the howls of wild dogs, marked an initial effort of U.S. troops to work with a fledgling militia group here, an initiative local commanders hope will grow into the kind of counter-insurgency by locals that aided in the displacement of al Qaeda in Iraq.

More Stories

Michael Barone - Gallup’s astonishing numbers and the Lake Superior congressional districts

Joseph Cao and the moderate delusion

Morning Examiner: Harrisburg comes begging again

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