Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 27, 2010

Byron York -Clinton on the stump: Does he really want Obama and Dems to win?

In the course of a one-hour speech, Clinton, whose wife lost a bitter nomination battle to Obama just two years ago and might still be considering another run for the White House, offered faint praise for the current president and a steady stream of criticism for Democrats, who he said have failed to communicate their message to the voters. If Clinton, who also seemed deeply concerned with defending his own record as president, had simply wanted to fire up the troubled party faithful here, he could have delivered a rousing defense of Obama and his party. Instead, his message was at best mixed, and at the end a listener could not be entirely sure whether Clinton truly believes Democrats deserve to win in November.

Michael Barone - Public employee unions funnel public money to Dems

Who is the largest single political contributor in the 2010 campaign cycle? You can be pardoned if you answer, erroneously, that it's some new conservative group organized by Karl Rove. That's campaign spin by the Obama Democrats, obediently relayed by certain elements of the so-called mainstream media.

The real answer is AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The union's president, Gerald McEntee, reports proudly that AFSCME will be contributing $87.5 million in this cycle, entirely or almost entirely to Democrats. "We're spending big," he told the Wall Street Journal. "And we're damn happy it's big."

The mainstream press hasn't shown much interest in reporting on unions' campaign spending, which amounted to some $400 million in the 2008 cycle. And it hasn't seen fit to run long investigative stories on why public employee unions -- the large majority of which work for state and local governments -- contribute so much more to campaigns for federal office.

Michael Barone - The world is coming to an end

That’s one thought that’s probably going through the head of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen as he receives the latest polling numbers from districts Democrats thought would never be competitive

Susan Ferrechio - Alaska race boils down to wristbands and scandal

The outcome of the U.S. Senate race in Alaska hinges on two things: incumbent Lisa Murkowski's success in teaching voters how to write her name correctly on the Nov. 2 ballot, and opponent Joe Miller's ability to withstand a brewing scandal alleging his improper use of a workplace computer.

Julie Mason - Obama stumps in 2010 with eye on his own race in 2012

President Obama's 2010 midterm campaign strategy has combined risk and caution, but his eyes never left the real prize: his re-election in 2012.

Timothy P. Carney - has fallen into an abyss of delusion: RepubliCorp

Remember when they used to call themselves the "reality-based community"?

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Morning Examiner: Why Obama will lose

Thanks Joy Behar!: Sharron Angle campaign raises $137,000 today

A GOP legislature? In Alabama?

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