Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Great story from last night's Fox 10 Phoenix 9:00pm Newscast:

Grijalva Faces a Challenge to Keeping Congressional Seat


McClung Miracle: $90,075 in 24hrs

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, October 26th, 2010.

Tucson, AZ - Ruth McClung's money bomb hoped to raise $100,000 in 24 hours to fund her final push for the election on November, 2nd. And while we didn't get there, the McClung Miracle still netted $90,075 in one day.

"I can't thank our donors and volunteers enough," said Ms. McClung. "Almost all of this money came in small contributions, most less than $50. We've built a fantastic grassroots organization, and now you're seeing the results. Our people are going door-to-door, making phone calls, and now they've stepped up once again to keep my message on the air. Thank you."



Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Janet was on Channel 15 last night:


Get Out the Vote Rally with McCain, Brewer, Shadegg and Quayle

Time:  Saturday, October 30 · 2:30pm - 6:00pm


Location:  Quayle for Congress Nothern Campaign Office

2205 W Lone Cactus

Phoenix, AZ


Created By Ben Quayle for Congress


More Info Come and join us for a Get out the Vote rally with:

  • Senator John McCain

  • Governor Jan Brewer

  • Congressman John Shadegg

  • Congressional Candidate Ben Quayle

and a host of state and local officials.

If you have not mailed in your early ballot, please bring your ballot to the rally where officials from the Maricopa County elections office will be collecting ballots.

Kindly RSVP to
or on Facebook CLICK HERE

Paid for by Quayle for Congress

The campaign is about half way to meeting our goal this week, but in order to finish strong with a victory, David needs your help this very minute.

Investing in our race is crucial in the next few minutes if we want to win in just 6 days.

David needs your help to win this fight.

6 days to go until election day. Donate $60, $600 or $1,600 dollars and invest in a race that will change the course of history.

We are on the verge of being able to take back our government, restore confidence in our economy, reduce taxes, cut wasteful government spending and create jobs in the private sector.

This can only happen with your support today, of our fight for limited government and economic freedom.

Last night, Rep. Kevin McCarthy joined David at the home of Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio.

They talked about jobs, growing this economy, stopping Washington’s out of control spending, and repealing ObamaCare.

If we can elect David Schweikert, and give him the push he needs today, Arizona will not be disappointed. We know David is a leader who gets the job done. He’ll fight for us, protect our community, and revive our economy.

With just 6 days to go, let's send Pelosi’s Congress packing.

The far left policies of the last few years can come to an end on our watch today.

Supporting David Schweikert is the key to making sure we send balance and accountability to our government - - an individual that will fight for us, serve our community, and get the job done.

Today – let's make it happen.

We have $55,000 to raise in order to win.

Will you help us reach today's goal, and help us reach the finish line? Your investment today is crucial.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Kirkpatrick’s Record is Out-of-Touch with the District

Gosar Travels the District to Listen to Arizonans

PRESCOTT, AZ –As part of a ten day tour, Dr. Paul Gosar spent Tuesday meeting with voters in Prescott and Casa Grande. From health care to fiscal responsibility to illegal immigration, Dr. Gosar stands in stark contrast to the failed policies championed by Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick. Government run health care, job killing stimulus bills and rampant illegal immigration continue to stall economic growth and keep Arizonans out of work.

“As I travel the district one thing is clear, Arizonans are tired of being ignored,” said Dr. Paul Gosar. “For far too long this district has been forgotten, this has got to change. Ann Kirkpatrick voted for the stimulus bill which has cost the taxpayer billions and done nothing to create jobs. Ann Kirkpatrick voted for the government run health care bill which is only raising the cost of health care and forcing employers to drop their benefit programs. As a state legislator, Ann Kirkpatrick did not secure Arizona’s border and now refuses to give back the tainted SEIU money that funds her campaign. The people of Arizona’s First Congressional District deserve better, it’s time we bring their ideas and their commonsense solutions to Capitol Hill.”

Dr. Gosar spent Tuesday morning in Prescott, where he started the day at Waffles-N-More, answering questions from voters and talking about his plan to create jobs and grow rural Arizona’s economy. As a small business owner, Gosar knows that the only way to fix the problem is to empower small businesses and stop the government from wasting taxpayer money on bailouts and failed stimulus programs. Gosar also visited Las Fuentes Resort Center where he talked to seniors. These individuals were concerned about Kirkpatrick’s vote to cut over $500 billion from Medicare and over $100 billion from the popular Medicare Advantage program.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) and State Representative Andy Tobin joined Dr. Gosar at J & G Sales in Prescott to talk about Gosar’s strong support for the second amendment. As a sportsman, Gosar has received an “A” rating from both GOA and the NRA. GOA warned voters about Kirkpatrick’s true second amendment record and how her liberal philosophy doesn’t match up with rural Arizona.

Gosar finished the day in Casa Grande with Sheriff Paul Babeu. In Pinal County, the fight to secure Arizona’s borders has reached a boiling point. With escalating violence, Sheriff Babeu has called for new leadership in Washington like Dr. Gosar. Kirkpatrick’s record of opposing SB 1070, voting to give tax credits for people seeking amnesty and voting against efforts to secure Arizona’s borders have hurt Casa Grande and surrounding communities. Hundreds of people came out in support of Gosar in Casa Grande because of his strong support for SB 1070 and securing all the borders.


Paid By Paul Gosar for Congress
Jesse Kelly Set for Victory
Oct 25, 2010

10/24/10 -- There's been surprisingly little polling in this race, which both parties agree is competitive. Given the trajectory of races in other border districts, it seems that Kelly is probably the favorite, but it is difficult to tell by how much. - Real Clear Politics

Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress

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