Monday, October 11, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 11, 2010

Michael Barone - Can skinflint Mitch Daniels win the presidency?

I've known Mitch Daniels since he was a staffer for Sen. Richard Lugar in the 1980s, and for years he struck me as one of the least likely candidates for public office. He's got strong, mostly conservative convictions; he doesn't suffer fools (and elected politicians) gladly; he doesn't care if others don't like him. All those characteristics were on display when he ran the Office of Management and Budget for George W. Bush between January 2001 and June 2003.

Timothy P. Carney - The Democrats' hypocrisy on big-money donors

President Obama once again went after Republican donors this week, claiming they pose a threat to democracy itself. It was only a slightly more fevered than his party's standard -- and false -- line that the GOP is uniquely fueled by special interest money.

Obama has even rolled out his populist rhetoric at fundraising events, which typically carry a price tag of $30,400 for the DNC, the legal maximum. As you might guess, the attendees are hardly salt-of-the-earth teachers and firemen.

Check the attendee lists of these fundraisers, and the DNC donor rolls, and it becomes tough to swallow the Democratic battle cry that the party is battling wealthy financiers and special interests.

Michael Barone - Pot calls kettle---

The Obama campaign was happy to encourage mass illegal donations from foreign nationals. Now it’s making baseless charges that its opposition is doing the same thing. Hope and change!

Timothy P. Carney - John Podesta's propaganda strikes again on White House's Chamber of Commerce line

Were I the type to make insulting puns about political players with whom I took issue, I would dub the Center for American Progress the "Center for Administration Propaganda."

You may have followed the Democrats' latest little bit of anti-big-business posturing, insinuating that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is laundering foreign corporate money to help Republicans and thus hurting our Democracy.

Rove leads effort to create a conservative Congress

Outgunned and outmaneuvered, President Obama is calling out Rove, whose name still is still reviled by the liberal rank and file. Democrats blame many of the Bush administration's most controversial episodes on Rove and Obama is hoping that their deep animosity could motivate Democrats to vote in the Nov. 2 congressional elections.

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