Monday, October 11, 2010



Franks leads with experience, passion

Oct. 9, 2010 12:00 AM
In the four terms he has served in Congress representing Arizona's 2nd Congressional District, Trent Franks has focused on young people, saying: "It's easier to build children than rebuild broken men."

But he speaks with even greater passion about national defense. For him the connection is a clear bright line - this generation must defend freedoms for the next one, for the young people, he says.

A member of the Armed Services Committee, he is a staunch supporter of missile defense and he challenges his countrymen to imagine and prepare for the grave threats of tomorrow, particularly nuclear proliferation.

He argues we must be loyal to our allies and is strongly critical of the Obama administration for backing out of some of its commitments to defend Eastern Europe.

Franks is a self-labeled "Reagan conservative" whose district forms a crescent northward from western Maricopa County through the rural counties of La Paz, Mohave, Coconino and Navajo.

Voters in District 2 have had their say before and have reaffirmed Franks as their man. We see no reason to change.

The Arizona Republic recommends Trent Franks for re-election in Congressional District 2.

Arizona District 7 Upset – Grijalva May Lose to McClung

Oct 11th, 2010
By Rich Mitchell
Category: Election Update 2010, Politics

AZ-7 has been thought safe from the left side of the isle for quite some time. Some of Obama’s “Change” may have come to town as the race is now considered to be a dead heat. Conservatives, get ready – Ruth McClung needs your support, effort, money and most-of-all, your vote.

I ran across this post at the where Stacy McCain references

Add Rep. Raul Grijalva to the growing list of Democratic worries this election season.

Party operatives say there’s increasing concern that the Arizona Democrat’s reelection bid could turn into a “sleeper” race for Republicans after Grijalva — responding to enactment of a tough new immigration law — called for an economic boycott of his own state amid a housing crisis and record unemployment.

Four Democratic sources from different parts of the country said that there is new attention to a race that was long considered in the bag.

And a recent poll, obtained by POLITICO, found that Grijalva and Republican challenger Ruth McClung, a real-life rocket scientist, were in a dead heat, even though Washington prognosticators have declared the deep-blue seat safely Democratic.

As they work to buttress their majority against a coming Republican storm, Democrats can ill afford to spend time or resources defending incumbents in seats where they should have a clear advantage. But the Grijalva seat potentially being in play is a sign of the increasingly expanding Republican playing fieldfor the midterm elections. . . .

Just as Stacy points out, you absolutely must read the whole article.

Grijalva has managed to actually turn against his own constituents, ignore the will of the people that voted for him and somehow stay in power? Arizona .. this is your wake-up call. If Stacy’s post wasn’t enough, I found this gem on AceofSpadesHQ.

While Ace focuses at first on looks, which I agree, Raul loses hands-down, the article continues to make some strong points. He talks about a article where the Democrats are showing just how much of a bind McClung has put Grijalva into.

Add Rep. Raul Grijalva to the growing list of Democratic worries this election season. Party operatives say there’s increasing concern that the Arizona Democrat’s reelection bid could turn into a “sleeper” race for Republicans after Grijalva — responding to enactment of a tough new immigration law — called for an economic boycott of his own state amid a housing crisis and record unemployment.

Four Democratic sources from different parts of the country said that there is new attention to a race that was long considered in the bag.

So if you are someone that supports

■Creating jobs

■Protecting small businesses

■Balancing the federal budget

■Lowering taxes

■Limiting government

■Protecting Social Security

■Improving education

■Protecting our national security

■Securing our borders

■Defending our freedoms

■Supporting our military and veterans

■Protecting life and family

■Repealing Obamacare then reforming healthcare

Then you should head over to Ruth McClung for Congress and find a way to support, donate, or at a minimum vote for the best candidate in the Arizona district 7 house race.

Tuesday breakfast with Rep. Aaron Schock

You are invited to a

Breakfast Buffet

in support of

David Schweikert for Congress


Congressman Aaron Schock, IL-18

Tuesday, October 12th

8:30am to 9:30am

Grace Inn

10831 South 51st Street, Phoenix
$50 suggested minimum contribution

RSVP Online or Call 480-302-4872

Host Committee

Hon. John McComish

Hon. Bob Robson

Hon. Hut Hutson

Hon. Laura and Bob Knaperek

Hon. John Hupenthal

Chad Blostone

Jeff Weninger, Chandler City Councilman

Sal & Debbie DiCiccio, Phoenix City Councilman

Onnie Shekerjian, Tempe City Councilmember

Jeff Dial, Candidate for LD20 House

Brandon Schmoll, Candidate for Constable

Anthony Miller, Chairman GOP LD20

Tom & Kris Morrisey, Former Chairman LD20 GOP

Brian Symes, First Vice Chair, LD20 GOP

Loraine Pellegrino, Pres. Ahwatukee Republican Women

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

Janet Contreras: America's Chosen Candidate

Janet Contreras is America’s chosen candidate for office this November. After Janet wrote a letter to the leaders of America that went unanswered, she sent it to Glenn Beck, who was more than happy to read it on the air. The letter went viral in hours, and a clarion-call went out for Janet to run for Congress.

This 53-year old Democrat-turned-Republican mother, taxpayer, and patriot, told America everything they needed to know about her. She had expressed every concern that Americans across the country were worried about in our government, and her words were crystal clear. Enough was enough!

Click to read "The Letter"

In that letter Janet lays out her views on a variety of issues, and it is still the basis of Janet’s campaign today.

1. Illegal Immigration—I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our

borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and trafficking in drugs and

people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S. I am not a

racist. This not to be confused with legal immigration.

2. TARP Bill—I want it repealed and no further funding supplied to it. We told you “NO!”

but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze! Repeal!

3. Czars—I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire

the Czars. No more Czars. Government officials answer to the process not the President.

Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.

4. Cap & Trade—the debate on global warming is NOT over, there IS more to say.

5. Universal Health Care—I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don’t

you dare pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!

6. Growing Government Control—I want states rights and sovereignty fully restored. I

want less government in my life, not more. Shrink it down. Please mind your own

business; you have enough to do with your REAL obligations. Let’s start there.

7. ACORN—I do not want ACORN or its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want

them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them on

every real estate deal that closes. Stop all funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending

impartial audit and investigation. I do not trust them with the taking of the census or with

taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before the

taxpayers get any further involved with them. It walks like a duck and talks like a

duck—hello… Stop protecting political buddies. You work for the people. Investigate.

8. Redistribution of Wealth—No. If I work for it, it is mine. I have always worked for

people with more money than I have because they gave me jobs. That is the only

redistribution of wealth I support. I never got a job from a poor person. Why do want

me to hate my employers? What do your have against shareholders making a profit?

9. Charitable Contributions—although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped

many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities where we know our needs best

and can use local talent and resources. Butt out, please. We want to do this ourselves.

10. Corporate Bail Outs—knock it off! Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard

times ahead, we will be better off just getting to it and letting the strong survive. Quick

and painful, like ripping off a band aid. We will pull together. Great things happen in

America under great hardship. Give us a chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you

more than you have disappointed us.

11. Transparency and Accountability—how about it? No really, let’s have it. Let’s say

we give the “buzz” words a rest and have some straight, honest talk. Please stop trying to

manipulate and appease me with clever wording. I am not the idiot you obviously take

me for. Stop sneaking around meeting in back rooms making deals with your friends. It

will only be a prelude to your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.

12. Unprecedented Quick Spending—stop it, now. Take a breath. Listen to “The People.”

Let’s just slow down and get some more input from some “non-politicians” on the

subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law.
One of the the key issues in Arizona's 4th Congressional district is illegal immigration, and as you might imagine from reading point #1 from Janet's letter above, Janet Contreras fully supports SB1070, Arizona's new immigration law.
This is in stark contrast to her incumbent opponent, Rep. Ed Pastor, who was not only supportive of the Obama administration's lawsuit against his own state, but also openly advocates that Congress should flout the will of the people by forcing through "comprehensive immigration reform" during the lame duck session of Congress after the upcoming November elections.

“In the lame-duck Congress, you have people who are not returning, you have people who are defeated, you have people who no longer are under the threat of an election who may look at the subject matter more on what’s good public policy rather than how it could hurt their campaigns."

- Rep. Ed Pastor
To Representative Pastor, apparently the voting public represents a "threat", and achieving his idea of "good public policy" involves actively defying the will of the people by voting against their wishes. Here you can see the contrast between a compromised incumbent and an iCaucus endorsed candidate clearly illustrated. What is Janet Contreras' view of Congress?

“Our current Congress is too busy serving itself to remember it was elected to serve the people. I am running for Congress because this is our nation, our government, and it is up to us to set our house on the right course again."

- Janet Contreras

See the difference?
If you would like to see candidates like Janet Contreras replace candidates like Ed Pastor, then please consider supporting Janet and the 90+ other candidates endorsed by iCaucus. Please click the link below to donate.

Donate to support iCaucus endorsed candidates.

To find out more about Janet Contreras visit her website at, or follow the two video links below to see excerpts of the Glenn Beck episode where Glenn reads "The Letter" from Janet Contreras.

Watch Video: Glenn reads "The Letter" part 1

Watch Video: Glenn reads "The Letter" part 2

Kirkpatrick voted for the Health Care Reform Bill which Cuts Medicare by Over $500 Billion

October 11, 2010
Stefani Zimmerman

Gosar Listens to Seniors, Fights for Medicare

PRESCOTT, AZ –Last week, Dr. Paul Gosar met with seniors at a roundtable discussion to talk about Medicare. The event, hosted by the Coalition for Medicare Choices, focused on the importance of protecting Medicare for the over 866,000 Arizona seniors who are enrolled. Dr. Gosar opposes the disastrous health care reform plan which cuts Medicare and Medicare Advantage, while his opponent, Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick, was a key supporter of this legislation.

“As a healthcare provider, I understand how important it is for the government to keep its promise to our seniors,” said Gosar. “The health care reform bill amounts to nothing more than a government takeover of health care. Rather than empowering our seniors to keep their Medicare Advantage plans, this bill may cost seniors to lose some of the Medicare benefits they now enjoy. This is unacceptable. We need health care reform that lowers the cost of health care, not more government bureaucracy that hurts our seniors.”

Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick voted for the flawed health care reform bill. This bill expands the role of government, creating huge spending increases and, in these challenging economic times, increases taxes and government regulations. In 2010, more than 866,000 seniors in Arizona were enrolled in Medicare- this bill will cut Medicare by over $500 billion. This year alone, more than 331,000 Arizona seniors were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan- this bill cuts Medicare Advantage by more than $100 billion. As a result of these cuts, nationwide, 7.4 million fewer seniors could be enrolled in their Medicare Advantage plans. The nearly 40% of Arizona seniors that are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans are at risk of losing the benefits they now enjoy.

The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a report that states by next year alone, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans will increase by 10% as a result of this new health care reform bill. The Congressional Budget Office has stated that, as a result of the cuts to Medicare, additional benefits provided by Medicare Advantage will be cut in half and that millions of seniors will lose their current coverage. Maurice Cazenee, a senior who has a Medicare Advantage plan and attended last week’s Medicare roundtable, said, “When you’re happy with your health care, you don’t like the possibility of having it cut. I don’t know where my health care stands right now.”

Paid for By Gosar for Congress

Cook Report has moved AZ 8 to "Toss Up"

Good News! The influential Cook Political Report has moved Jesse's race against Gabrielle Giffords to "Toss Up." The district was originally rated "Likely Democratic" when Jesse first announced in early 2009. Clearly the momentum is shifting our way. This move to a highly competitive race has been possible because of your support - Thank you!
New TV ad: Jesse's newest TV ad started running yesterday. It continues our mission to expose the full liberal record of Gabrielle Giffords while also offering Jesse's positive approach to getting our country back on the right track. Jesse has an inherent trust in the ability and the efforts of the American people if the government will get out of their way.

Watch the new ad on YouTube by clicking on the image below.

Your support has been crucial to our success. If you would like to make an additional contribution to keep this ad on the air, please donate $50 today so we can make sure the voters know the truth about Jesse's plan of lower taxes and less regulations vs. Giffords' liberal record of voting with Nancy Pelosi over 90% of the time.

Upcoming Events: Next Saturday, Oct 16th there are two great events for Jesse. Please bring your friends to meet Jesse and ask their questions in person.
Sat, Oct 16, morning. Meet and Greet at the Mini Time Machine Museum, 4455 E. Camp Lowell from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.

Sat, Oct 16, afternoon. Day in the Park hosted by the Pima County Tea Party Patriots, Continental Ranch Neighborhood Park, 8900 N. Coachline Blvd from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Check the campaign calendar for more great events.

Please forward this e-mail to your friends. Explain to them how close this election is and that we can win, with their help. They can sign up for free campaign updates at this link.
Thank you again for your crucial support.
Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress

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