Friday, October 01, 2010

Today In The Washington Examiner October 1, 2010

Byron York - A GOP unknown is in striking range of Barney Frank

Bielat is 35 years old, a Marine who spent four years on active duty and is now a major in the Reserve. He's a graduate of Georgetown University with a master's from Harvard and an MBA from Wharton. He's devoted a good portion of his professional life to manufacturing the high-tech robots that defuse improvised explosive devices in Iraq and Afghanistan. In other words, he's a serious man.

In the spring and summer of 2009, Bielat watched in dismay as Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress pursued one big-government initiative after another. He began to think about running but didn't make a final decision until Jan. 19, when a certain Republican won election to the Senate from Massachusetts -- and did it by winning in Frank's district. "When Scott Brown won the 4th Congressional District, it became clear that not only could a Republican win here," says Bielat, "but there was a case to be made nationally to donors and supporters that this is winnable."

Byron York - Obama: 'I'd appreciate a little break'

It's often remarked that President Obama has enjoyed a number of getaways, vacations, and mini-vacations during his 20 months in office. But at a Democratic fundraiser Thursday night, the president said, "I'd appreciate a little break."

Julie Mason - Obama tries to rekindle magic of 2008 campaign

Over the next month, President Obama is expected to maintain a grueling schedule of fundraisers and campaign events targeting the Midwestern states, California and other key electoral battlegrounds.

Susan Ferrechio - Congress adjourns without addressing taxes

Democratic lawmakers headed out of town Thursday staunchly defending their achievements in the 111th Congress even though they are leaving earlier than any other Congress over the past 40 years and before they decided what to do about a package of tax cuts.

Julie Mason - Rouse to replace Rahm as Obama's chief of staff

Rouse, a low-key but well-regarded top member of the administration, was Obama's chief of staff in the Senate. Shy of cameras, Rouse is a sort of anti-Emanuel, although both share Obama's strong regard.

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