Friday, October 01, 2010



PHOENIX (September 30, 2010) -- Ben Quayle, candidate for Congress in Arizona’s CD 3 announced today that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has endorsed his candidacy for Congress.

“I’m honored to have earned the endorsement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In order to get our economy moving again, we must stop growing government and make it easier for businesses to start and grow again in Arizona and across America,” said Quayle. “I look forward to working with the Chamber in pursuing pro-growth, pro-business policies at the federal level that bring prosperity once again.”

In a letter sent to Ben Quayle, Thomas J. Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber said that Quayle’s support of pro-growth policy earned him the endorsement. “At no other time in our nation’s history has it been more critical that Members of Congress provide leadership that protects and advances the interests of the business community. We believe that your election to the U.S. House will help produce sustained economic growth and help create jobs,” said Donohue.

The U.S. Chamber is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than three million businesses and organizations of all sizes, sectors and regions. A Chamber endorsement has served candidates well. In the 2008 election, 213 of the 265 Chamber-endorsed candidates were elected.


You are an important part of this campaign!

Your support is needed to send Ben to Congress. Make a donation today or consider volunteering for the campaign!


David Schweikert attacks Harry Mitchell back with new TV ad


Michelle Malkin gets behind Ruth McClung

Posted by Michael Bailey on September 29, 2010 at 12:00pm

View Michael Bailey's blog

Michell Malkin, author of the bestseller, “Culture of Corruption”, and an unflinching critic of Progressivism in general, has posted a blog in favor of Ruth McClung recently. She makes a reasoned, yet passionate appeal to the voters of Arizona’s Congressional District 7 to throw out the Commie Racist Raul Grijalva, and get a young, bright, thinking Conservative from out of the Tea Party installed into that seat.


Race for district four Congressional seat hotly contested

September 29th, 2010 7:49 pm MT
Ed Pastor has been the 4th district Representative to Congress for Arizona since 1992. Elected and reelected with no fewer than 60% of the vote, Pastor, Arizona’s first Latino representative to Congress, the voters of district 4 have had confidence in returning him to Washington eight times. This November, he faces his toughest challenger.

Janet Contreras answered the call to run against Congressman Pastor largely through public outcry. Support for her to enter the race gained momentum after an appearance with Glenn Beck, where letters, emails and encouragement came not only from her district, but also all over the United States.

Contreras ‘ challenge to Pastor comes at a time when public perception of Congress is very unfavorable, and her campaign is capitalizing on this fact. She believes in fiscal responsibility and accountability by members of Congress, and pledges to bring with her to Washington a common sense approach to spending. She promises to curb irresponsible spending, with earmarks requiring open debate on the floor to prove their merits. She believes that federal spending should “benefit the American people as a whole, not just one group or constituency.”

As the wife of an immigrant who followed the system to gain citizenship, Contreras believes amnesty for illegal immigrants will make the problem worse. She believes that with proper enforcement of our immigration laws, as well as a secure border and the end of public assistance for illegal immigrants, most illegals will find the circumstances unmanageable and would self-deport. In turn, this would prevent the costly round-up of these individuals by United States authorities.
 One thing that Janet Contreras emphasizes is the fallacy that Hispanic voters are by and large Democratic voters. Like any constituency group, there have wide-ranging individual opinions. The majority of district 4, whether Hispanic or not, supports legal immigration and enforcement. Contreras “strongly opposes the assumption that people are not individuals with their own opinions because they have been divided into some group.”

Janet Contreras’ sees SB1070 as another tool that law enforcement can use to battle illegal immigration. “To imply that our law enforcement is not acting based on reasonable suspicion and probable cause is denigrating and demeaning,” Contreras says. Considering 17% of illegals apprehended in Arizona are engaged in serious criminal activity, Contreras believes that SB1070 allows local law enforcement to enforce federal laws. The supposition that law enforcement officers will racially profile is inaccurate.

With regard to health care, Contreras vows to “repeal and replace with common sense, private sector solutions. Universal health care is a miserable failure and completely unsustainable,” she says. “It has failed in Europe, is failing in Canada, London, and Massachusetts. It must not be implemented in the United States.”

 With test scores hovering near the bottom of the rankings for schools in the United States, Arizona has developed different strategies over the years to combat poor results. With the development of the Charter School reform and AIMS testing, many legislators believed improvements would follow. They remain near or at the bottom. Arizona’s struggling education system needs to be “taken back by the state and local communities,” Contreras says. “The Department of Education needs to be phased out and control returned to the communities.”

The district 4 race will be more hotly contested this election cycle than it has in previous years. Voter turnout will play a large part in the results. Janet Contreras hopes to take her ideas and her principles and infuse Congress with them. Only 9 term incumbent Ed Pastor stands in her way. Cast your ballots on November 4.


Ann Kirkpatrick cash appeal raises specter of loss

9/29/10 5:21 PM EDT Updated: 9/30/10 12:51 PM EDT

Democratic Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick is telling supporters she’s already lost in an attempt to raise money and encourage volunteers.

Kirkpatrick, who represents Arizona’s 1st District, sent a Wednesday fundraising e-mail Wednesday with the subject line “GOSAR WINS,” a reference to her GOP challenger, dentist Paul Gosar.

“In an upset victory, the [National Republican Congressional Committee] - and Sarah Palin-backed candidate unseated Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick by less than 1,000 votes,” the e-mail trumpets, running for five paragraphs before letting its readers know that it’s all a hoax — and a plea for time and money.

The e-mail is a remarkable shift from standard fundraising e-mails that rely on assurances of victory to help drum up more dollars.

And Kirkpatrick’s pitch — in the form of a mock concession speech — also deviates sharply from other vulnerable Democrats’ appeals this cycle: Instead of distancing herself from President Obama, she embraces her votes for two of his key initiatives, the stimulus bill and the health reform package.

“We passed a recovery package that prevented our economy from falling off a cliff. … It wasn't perfect, and I was brutally attacked for supporting it, but it delivered relief at a critical time when our country and state badly needed it,” she writes of the stimulus package. “Then we tackled our broken healthcare system.”
 Kirkpatrick, a freshman Democrat, is locked in a tight contest with Gosar for the seat in the sprawling northern Arizona district. In 2008, she beat Republican nominee Sydney Hay — Republican incumbent Rep. Rick Renzi didn’t seek reelection after he was indicted for fraud — with 56 percent of the vote. She’s viewed as one of the most vulnerable incumbents in Arizona, along with fellow Democratic Reps. Harry Mitchell and Gabrielle Giffords.
Republicans painted the e-mail as an admission from Kirkpatrick that she knows she has already lost.

“Wow. Really? It’s good to see that Ann Kirkpatrick has seen the writing on the wall and has come to terms with the fact that she is heading for a loss in November, but is she really giving up this easily?” said National Republican Congressional Committee spokeswoman Joanna Burgos. “Good thing Paul Gosar is working hard to earn every last vote and if (or according to Kirkpatrick, WHEN) elected will show true leadership and fight arduously to secure our border and put Arizonans back to work.”

But the campaign says the e-mail has already done its job. “The response so far has been overwhelming — folks are getting the message and they're signing up to volunteer and making some really generous contributions too,” Kirkpatrick spokeswoman Carmen Gallus wrote in an e-mail. “We had a strong operation before, but this is tremendous. We were looking to motivate folks, and so far it has definitely worked.”

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