Friday, October 22, 2010



Republican Attorney General nominee Tom Horne says a litany of Democrat Felecia Rotellini's supporters who are publicly opposed to S.B. 1070 is proof positive of her opposition to that law.
"Not only has Felecia Rotellini been quoted in several publications such as the Yuma Sun and the Phoenix Business Journal as opposing S.B. 1070, her list of official endorsements is a virtual Hall of Shame of S.B. 1070 opponents. These include several labor unions that either applaud the federal lawsuit against Arizona or call for an economic boycott of the state. It is fair to assume Ms. Rotellini also embraces those positions that have cost the state thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in lost business," Horne noted.

The Rotellini list includes:

  • Flagstaff mayor Sarah Pressler, who voted with the City Council to file a lawsuit against the people of her own state in opposition to S.B. 1070.

  • Former Phoenix Mayor and one-time unsuccessful Democrat Governor candidate Paul Johnson.

  • Failed Democrat Senate candidate Jim Pederson.

  • Democrat legislators, Matt Heinz, Richard Miranda, Ben Miranda, Manny Alvarez, and Linda Lopez - all of whom voted NO on S.B. 1070.

  • Yuma High School Governing Board Member Charlene Fernandez who called Arizonans "cocky" for approving S.B. 1070.

In addition, Rotellini is supported by three unions affiliated with the anti-S.B. 1070 AFL-CIO:

  • The Arizona Building & Construction Trades Council

  • The Arizona Pipe Trades Local 469

  • The Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local 359

Horne added, "The Pipe Trades and Sheet Metal Workers unions have contributed $840 each to Ms. Rotellini's campaign. Inasmuch as those organizations are affiliated with the AFL-CIO, which supports the Obama lawsuit against Arizona, I call on the Rotellini campaign to return those contributions as well as the $4,176 campaign contribution from the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, which has publicly called for an economic boycott of Arizona."

"The people of Arizona have spoken and S.B. 1070 is the law. The Obama Administration, incredibly, has chosen to sue the citizens of Arizona for passing legislation that attempts to do what the federal government is supposed to do and secure our international border. They have failed in that respect and the lawsuit against Arizona is a cynical ploy to politicize the legitimate policy goal of protecting American citizens. Obviously, Ms. Rotellini is on record as opposing the law, the vast majority of her supporters oppose it as well. Her claims that she can passionately enforce this law when her record shows quite the opposite are laughable.

Voters will recognize that I am the candidate with the consistent record of supporting S.B. 1070, and just as I successfully pursued the Horne v. Flores English language learner case, I will vigorously defend S.B. 1070 all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary."

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