Friday, October 22, 2010


McClung: Hatred, Terror Have No Place in CD7

For Immediate Release

Thursday, October 21st, 2010.

Tucson, AZ -- Earlier today, reports surfaced that an envelope covered with Swastikas and other symbols of hate, and containing an unknown and possibly toxic substance was sent to Rep. Grijalva's office. Here is Ms. Mclung's response:

"This type of reckless and criminal behavior has no place in an election, and I can only hope that the consequences of this vile act are limited to the immediate apprehension and full prosecution of the individual or individuals involved.

My message throughout this campaign has been one of strength through unity. There is no room for hatred or terror in this race. Mr. Grijalva and I have different opinions on a wide range of issues. However, our differences on policy and governance are legitimate and reasonable, and should be allowed to play out within the established boundaries of political discourse."



Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Will the unions try to steal this election?

That’s the question this morning coming out of Yuma County where teachers union and SEIU organizers have been caught bringing thousands of falsified early ballots to the county recorder.

The liberals know they are in trouble. Why else would they take steps to try to steal this election?

A call to arms - - If you haven’t turned in your early ballot, please send it in ASAP. If you plan to vote at the polls, put it on your calendar, encourage others to join you, and let's turn out the vote!

We can take back our country. We’re ready to fight the funny business coming from the other side. They are willing say or do anything to retain power. We can protect the Constitution. Our country needs us now!

Election Day is only 11 days away. We need to raise $20,000 in the next few hours to keep fighting and get out the vote.

Consider what we face - - bailouts, the nationalization of whole industries, tax increases, more regulation, ObamaCare, card check, and cap and trade. The liberal Obama-Pelosi agenda is wrong for our country. What will the next generation say about us?

Your support today is urgently needed. In order to save our country, we don’t have a choice but to act now. That’s why every $35, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, and $2,400 contribution matters - - we can each give in this election because if we don’t, we risk losing our freedom.


Think of where we’ve come from as a people. From a third world colonial backwater to the most powerful, most prosperous country on Earth.

Now, facing unprecedented debts and deficit, we are charging towards the abyss of a European style debt crisis.

Whatever happened to our shared principles of limited government, the Constitution, and freedom? We deserve better than what we’ve gotten out of Washington. It’s going to take leaders who understand that prosperity and liberty must be defended against the onslaught of big government.

David Schweikert cannot win this fight alone. He needs your help today.

This campaign is about you - - and the kinds of policies we must undo in order to save our republic. We need to fix what’s broken and preserve our liberties that are in real jeopardy.

Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Congressman Mitchell are on the ropes. Let's send their liberal agenda packing.

Our campaign is in a very strong position to retire this Congress. It’s all going to come down to this seat in Arizona if we want to retire Pelosi as Speaker.

As County Treasurer, Majority Whip in the Arizona legislature, and a small businessman in the community, we've seen David Schweikert fight for us.

  • Reduce the debt

  • Protect our community

  • Stop out of control government spending

  • Preserve our Constitutional liberties

  • Remove government barriers to prosperity

  • Secure our border

It’s going to take leadership, and someone who gets it, fighting for us in Washington.

Support David Schweikert today.

America is counting on Arizona to undo the damage that Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Mitchell, and Barack Obama have done.

If we’re going to take back our country, we’re going to do it by winning right here in Arizona.

Join the fight. Help David Schweikert today. The next few hours are going to be crucial to meeting our goal and winning this fight.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

Jesse will debate Gabrielle Giffords tonight, Friday, Oct 22nd, in their third and final meeting. You can watch the event on KUAT Channel 6 or online at this link starting at 6:00 pm AZ time, (9:00 pm ET, 8:00 pm CT, 7:00 pm MT, and 6:00 pm PT).

Last day of our Money Bomb: We will be scheduling our final media buy soon. Arizona's District 8 is a key swing seat and is crucial to taking back Congress in 2010. Please donate today so we can win in November.

Upcoming Events:

Sat, Oct 23. Oro Valley Day in the Park from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, Riverfront Park, 551 W. Lambert Lane.

Mon, Oct 25. Town Hall in Sierra Vista from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 W. Kayetan Drive.

Jesse clearly won the 2nd debate that took place on Wednesday, Oct 20th in Sierra Vista.

Reality Check: Giffords has an "F" rating from the National Taxpayers Union and a "Hostile" to the taxpayers rating from Citizens Against Government Waste. She is a big spending Washington politician who is bankrupting this nation.

Early ballots: If would like to vote early and have not yet received your ballot in the mail, this Friday is the last day to request a vote by mail ballot. Please contact your County Recorder by Friday afternoon.

Pima County - (520) 740-4330

Pinal County - (520) 509-3555

Cochise County (520) 432-8354 or (520) 432-8358.

Santa Cruz County - (520) 375-7990

Please forward this message to your friends and tell them that this race is key to taking back Congress in 11 days.

Thank you again for your help and support.

Paid for By Jesse Kelley for Congress
Music Legend Pat Boone Sings Praises of Paul Gosar


October 21, 2010
Matthew Kandrach

Alexandria, VA – Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for a national non-partisan senior citizen group, announced today that Paul Gosar has won the 60 Plus Association’s Honorary Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award. Gosar is a Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in AZ-01.

Boone, still performing at concerts, was a recording, movie and TV star second to none in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, and had 38 top 10 hits during his career. Now a national spokesman for 60 Plus, Boone labeled Gosar a “fighter for the elderly.”

The Association’s Guardian Award is presented to Democrats and Republicans in Congress based on their “senior friendly” voting records. The Honorary Award is given to those running for office and is based on their views on seniors’ issues.

“Paul Gosar can always be counted on to protect Social Security and Medicare,” Boone said. “Paul Gosar will be a tax cutter, protecting the pocket books of senior citizens. 60 Plus calls on nearly 5.5 million seniors nationally for support, so I believe I can speak on behalf of seniors when I say that they can count on Paul Gosar. Clearly, seniors will have no finer friend in Congress than Paul Gosar.”


The 60 Plus Association is an 18-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues featuring a less government, less taxes approach as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution. 60 Plus calls on support from nearly 5.5 million citizen activists. 60 Plus publishes a newsletter, SENIOR VOICE, and a Scorecard, bestowing awards on lawmakers of both parties who vote “pro-senior.” 60 Plus has been called, “an increasingly influential senior citizen’s group.”


Paid for By Paul Gosar for Congress

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