Monday, October 11, 2010

Governor Jan Brewer's New TV Ad: "Backbone"


Governor Jan Brewer is uniquely qualified to lead Arizona through very challenging times by the depth of her public service and tenaciousness. Janice K. Brewer took the oath of office as Governor of Arizona on January 21, 2009 upon the resignation of then-Governor Janet Napolitano.

She promptly inherited one of the worst fiscal crises in country for any state. She has taken decisive action to turn the situation around. Jan has a keen grasp of state budget issues from her past service in the Legislature, including in Senate leadership.

And this is not the first time Jan has been called on to turn around a fiscal mess. As a newly elected member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in 1997, Jan encountered a local government bogged down so deep in debt that it was using short-term borrowing just to meet cash flow. At the end of Brewer's tenure in 2002, Maricopa County's financial turnaround was so good that Governing Magazine proclaimed it as "one of the two best managed large counties in the nation." If so honored to have a second term as governor, Jan's goal is have the same said about the State of Arizona.

1 comment:

Michael Olivia said...

Nice videos....
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