Friday, October 08, 2010


Arizona Congressman Trent Franks endorses Ben Quayle for Congress

Phoenix, AZ (October 7, 2010) — Ben Quayle, Republican candidate for Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, today announced that U.S. Congressman Trent Franks endorses his candidacy for Congress. Franks represents the 2nd Congressional District. He is the third Arizona Congressman to endorse Ben Quayle.

“Ben Quayle holds the values and God-given talents to well serve Arizonans and all Americans in Congress,” said Franks. “His commitment to conservative values and principles is strong and will not waiver. I will be pleased to serve with him, and have him join the fight for what is right in Washington.”

“Trent Franks has been a faithful and steadfast conservative leader in the House,” said Quayle. “I have admired the quiet strength that he brings to his work. He is in office for the right reasons and I am grateful to have his support.”

Franks is serving his fourth term representing the 2nd Congressional District. He serves on the Armed Services Committee and the Judiciary Committee. He is an active member of the Republican Study Committee and the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. He has received numerous awards for his commitment to limited government and smaller tax burden.
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October 7, 2010
Stefani Zimmerman

Rough Week for Kirkpatrick as Gosar Continues to Gain Momentum

PRESCOTT, AZ – With 26 days before the November Election, early ballots in Arizona are being mailed today. In under a month, the people of Arizona will decide who best to send to Washington on their behalf. And with less than 4 weeks remaining, Dr. Paul Gosar continues to gain momentum as voters realize that Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick will say anything to cover up her liberal voting record.

Here are recent press reports showing that Ann Kirkpatrick is struggling to win the hearts and minds of the people she is supposed to represent. Perhaps they remember her walking out on them during a town hall meeting…

On Sunday, October 3rd The Arizona Republic reported:

“Less than a month from the midterm congressional elections, Democrat’s hopes of holding back a Republican surge remain dim. . . Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat, faces an uphill battle against Republican dentist Paul Gosar in Arizona’s 1st District.”

On Monday, October 4th Roll Call reported:

“In some election years, Roll Call has had to scrape to complete its Top 10 Most Vulnerables list. This year, we had the opposite problem . . . 9. Ann Kirkpatrick: Kirkpatrick outspend her opponent 3-to-1 last time, but she will have no such luck against Paul Gosar, a well-funded dentist. In the Republican-leaning district, Gosar is campaigning hard against the Democrats’ big-ticket legislation, especially health care, and Kirkpatrick’s support for it. The race will be close this time, and not in Kirkpatrick’s favor.”

On Tuesday, October 5th The Arizona Republic reported:

“As a Democrat who voted for both measures [health care reform and the stimulus bill], Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, Gosar’s opponent, is feeling the brunt of those complaints as she tries to hold onto a seat she first won two years ago. In the eyes of political handicappers, Kirkpatrick is among the most endangered incumbents in Congress. . . Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political prognosticator, thinks the seat is now leaning to Gosar. Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the ‘Rothenberg Political Report,’ a newsletter, is less cautious about the race. ‘Her numbers are terrible,’ he said. ‘Democrats are disappointed and have cut back on some early television reservations for time. Everybody we talk to, everything we know, every bit of data we see suggests Ann Kirkpatrick is in extremely, extremely bad shape.’”

On Wednesday, October 6th The Hill reported:

“Kirkpatrick trails her Republican opponent by seven points, receiving 39 percent of the vote to Gosar’s 46, according to The Hill/ANGA poll. . . That deficit likely extends from voters’ dismal views of Congress and President Obama. Independents and Republicans expressed deep dissatisfaction with both Democratic-controlled branches. Moreover, 37 percent more Republicans than Democrats say they are ‘very passionate’ about voting in November.”

Today, October 7th The Atlantic reported:

“Kirkpatrick was already facing a potential enthusiasm gap between Democrats and fired-up Republicans. Then came SB 1070, Arizona’s controversial immigration legislation. That bill, favored by a majority of Arizonans but opposed by Kirkpatrick, ensured that those who favor the legislation, particularly those in the Phoenix suburbs, a small part of which makes up her district, will probably be enthused enough to show up on election day. . . Gosar has not hesitated to make immigration an issue in the race, calling on Kirkpatrick to return all SEIU campaign contributions because SEIU was vocal in its support for those who wanted to boycott Arizona over SB 1070.”

As you write your story, please consider the following statement from Gosar Communications Director, Stefani Zimmerman:

“As the truth about Ann Kirkpatrick’s record comes out, more and more voters realize that she will say anything to keep her career politician status,” said Zimmerman. “Dr. Paul Gosar is gaining momentum because he has experienced and understands first-hand the struggles that the average person in rural Arizona is facing. Small businesses were not helped by Ann Kirkpatrick’s stimulus vote or her nearly $100 million in earmark requests. Our borders aren’t secure because as a State Legislator Ann Kirkpatrick voted against allowing the Governor to send the National Guard to the border and supported tax credits for people seeking amnesty. And the health care crisis is only getting worse because of the disastrous health care bill Ann Kirkpatrick supported.”

Paid for By Gosar for Congress

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The teachers unions have launched a $600,000 assault against David Schweikert.

Do not let them win.

Let’s face it; the liberals will do whatever it takes to try to break our lead.

I’m asking for your help right now to fight back. We can win this race, but it’s going to take significant resources.

By the end of the day, we need to raise $25,000. We don’t have a choice if we want to win. It’s going to take the funds to deliver our message.

We must fight back. The far left is doing everything they can to fund Congressman Mitchell's reelection to advance the Obama-Pelosi agenda.

As Americans and Arizonans, we cannot afford to lose this fight, and we cannot allow Nancy Pelosi and her union stranglehold to continue to hatchet the Constitution.

The good news is that we we can stop them right here, but we only have 26 days to go - - and really, we have less than that… only a few hours before early ballots drop.

Here’s what we know about the group that is funneling money to attack David on television:

To call them liberals is an understatement! They are extremists who:

Advocate the principles of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” which promotes a violent overthrow of the U.S. Government

Call for the legalization of gay marriage and on-demand abortions across America

Led the efforts to pass Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama’s takeover of the healthcare industry

Are closely associated with groups like ACORN that support voter fraud

Donate massive sums of money to unions like SEIU who recently assaulted free-market advocates at a Barack Obama rally, and have led the boycott against Arizona

We wish this wasn’t true.

Under this administration and Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda, supported in lockstep by Congressman Mitchell, America’s place as the land of opportunity is in dire peril.
Mitchell supported card check while playing it off like he was one of us.

Then he has the gall to tell us he’s a blue dog. The truth is that he’s been fighting arm-and-arm with blood-red leftists for hostile union takeovers and big government control of our economy.
Congressman Mitchell is a lifelong advocate for the unions that have spent the past year organizing boycotts against Arizona. Now Mitchell’s team will do whatever it takes to try to destroy David Schweikert with outright lies.
--WE CAN crush the union fist, but that requires your support, and we need your help immediately.
Your $100, $500, $1,000, or $2,400 contribution is urgently needed in the next 72 hours. Please donate right now so that we can respond and lead the fight against the radical left.

Will we defend American freedom, whatever it takes?

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress


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