Monday, October 04, 2010


Ben Quayle offers candor, conviction

Oct. 3, 2010 12:00 AM
Ben Quayle, a Republican, may be the best-known congressional candidate in the country who isn't a member of the "tea party." That shouldn't matter to voters in District 3, which stretches from north-central Phoenix to New River. They don't need a celebrity. They need the best representative they can elect.

If this were a job interview, Democrat Jon Hulburd would have the large advantage. He rose to become a partner at Fennemore Craig, one of Phoenix's top law firms. He left to start an import business. He has career and community accomplishments that Quayle can't match.

But elections aren't just about resumes. They're about ideas. And on that score, Quayle is the better candidate to succeed John Shadegg. Quayle is well-versed in the issues. He speaks with passion and conviction.

Hulburd would extend most Bush tax cuts at least through 2012, and make capital-gains tax cuts and the elimination of the estate tax permanent. Quayle would simply make all the cuts permanent. Quayle is an unequivocal "no" to the Obama health-care plan, prepared to defund its key provisions. Hulburd won't say how he would have voted on the bill had he been in Congress, and much of his discussion about the bill with The Republic's Editorial Board focused on how it affects Phoenix Children's Hospital (where he is a board member) not consumers.

On immigration Hulburd - a rare Democrat who says he supports Senate Bill 1070 - calls for gaining operational control of the border. After that? He won't say what he would like to see happen. Quayle is to the point. Secure the border. Stop drug cartels. Focus on workplace enforcement.

We don't agree with Quayle on every point, but we know where he stands. With Hulburd, it's mostly an open question except when he is mimicking Republican talking points.

Voters should know where a candidate stands before Election Day. That's why we recommend Ben Quayle in Congressional District 3.

Senator Jon Kyl     Senator John McCain

Rep. Jeff Flake     Rep. Trent Franks     Rep. John Shadegg

Cordially invite you to a luncheon with Congressional Candidates

Paul Gosar

AZ 1st Congressional District Jesse Kelly

AZ 8th Congressional District Ben Quayle

AZ 3rd Congressional District

David Schweikert

AZ 5th Congressional District

With Special Guest

Governor Mitt Romney

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

11:15 a.m. Roundtable · 11:45 a.m. VIP Photo · 12:30 p.m. Luncheon

$15,000 SPONSOR: 1 Roundtable ticket, 1 Individual VIP Photo, 1 Luncheon ticket

$2,500 CO-HOST: 1 Individual VIP Photo, 1 Luncheon ticket

$500 ATTENDEE: 1 Luncheon ticket


For more information and to RSVP, please contact

Michelle Marini at (602) 274-1988, or

Corinne Lovas at (623) 218-6616,


Contributions to to Grand Canyon Leadership Fund, or any of the participating committees individually, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Federal law requires that Grand Canyon Leadership Fund report the full name, address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual contributor whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals, and federal government contractors are prohibited. It is illegal for any person to reimburse another for making a contribution to a political campaign.

Paid for by Grand Canyon State Leadership Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Paul Gosar for Congress, Quayle for Congress, David Schweikert for Congress, Jesse Kelly for Congress and the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Grand Canyon State Leadership Fund
P.O. Box 365

McLean, VA 22101

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