Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Something Rotten--and not in Denmark By HJS

Since we can't burn the Quran--because some folks might go on a rampage for one reason or another;

And we can't burn Bibles--well, we can, but nobody would notice; Saudi Arabia does it all the time.

And we can't burn our draft cards because we don't have any, no matter what Charlie Rangel said;

And we can't burn any effigies because only Leftists and illegal aliens are allowed to do that.

And we certainly do not want to burn any flags, at least not Old Glory; unless we are honoring her

For being so steadfast in waving over this land of ours (is it ours still) until she is too tired and wants to see

A new replacement fly proudly for us, to show us we are still Americans, no matter what our administration

Wants for us, and promises the rest of the world, supposedly in our name.

We must burn something--everyone else burns something to show their contempt for what they consider rotten,

Whether it is or not--and many times what is rotten is not really what is being burned, but the reason behind the burning!

We must burn something we know is rotten to show the world it is rotten and we know it;

We must burn something to show that Americans can smell stink when we approach something rotten;

No matter what the administration swears is sweet and pure--and good for us.

Aha! And there it is, something truly rotten that stinks to high heaven like a rotting corpse.

Let's burn the Healthcare Law!

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