Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Phoenix, AZ (September 30, 2010) — Ben Quayle, Republican candidate for Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, today announced that U.S. Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-3) endorses his candidacy for Congress.

"Ben Quayle promises to be a solid conservative vote, who will fight the radical agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama," said Congressman Shadegg. "He recognizes the critical need to halt the unending growth of the federal government and the need to stop spending our children’s and grandchildren's money. And, he understands the need to repeal Obamacare and give Americans the ability to make their own health care decisions."

“I am honored to have the endorsement of Congressman John Shadegg and I will continue his fight for the people of this District and the founding principles of the nation,” said Ben Quayle. “Representative Shadegg has established a long history of serving honorably and with unmovable conviction. I will strive to do the same.”

Congressman Shadegg announced his retirement from Congress earlier this year after serving as the Representative from Arizona’s Third Congressional District since 1994.

You are an important part of this campaign!

Your support is needed to send Ben to Congress. Make a donation today or consider volunteering for the campaign!

Rep. Jeff Flake takes the Ending Spending Pledge against earmarks


Doing the Math.

Ruth McClung is running for Congress in Arizona's 7th congressional district against ORP lapdog, Raul Grijalva. You can learn more about Ruth here. Please support her if you can.

More often than not, TEA party candidates committed to rolling back the disastrous policies of Obama-Reid-Pelosi (ORP) are characterized as moonbat whack jobs devoid of education and intelligence. Ruth McClung, candidate for the House inArizona CD7, is anything but. With a degree in physics and work experience at an engineering firm, McClung brings to the table credentials that are both uncommon and difficult to disparage. Her background sets her apart from members of both the political and chattering classes, most of of whom wouldn't know the divergence of a vector field if it hit them in the face.

 First Things First.

McClung's positions are solidly conservative: anti-big giovernment; pro-free enterprise; pro-liberty; pro-national security; pro-"border sanity"; pro-school vouchers; pro-life and pro-family. With regard to health care, she favors health insurance tax deductions for individuals, health savings account tax incentives, out-of-state insurance purchases and tort reform.

Her opponent, Raul Grijalva, is an ORP lapdog who attracted national attention by calling for a boycott of Arizona businesses in response to HB1070. Putting him out to pasture is a worthy objective

CD7 is 45% Democratic. But, with a significant number of independents in the district, internal polling — both Democrat and Republican — suggests that the race is winnable — go here (starts at 3:00 minutes). Supporting McClung is a chance to make a difference.

Exception to the Rule. Generally speaking, credentialed intellectuals sort into two categories: the hopelessly naive, and the promoters of self-serving agendas. But to every generalization there are exceptions. Ruth is one of these. She complements professional training with good sense and a love of country. If elected, she will bring to Washington, an understanding of issues such as cap and trade that is sorely lacking. Ask supporters (Democrat and Republican) of carbon abatement about the physics of climate change and you'll get talking points, gibberish or both. Ask Ruth, and you'll get an explanation.

Doing the Math. For the obvious reasons, it's important that at least some of people voting on issues related to science know what they're talking about; that they understand what's known, and more important, what's not. That means being able to read the scientific literature for yourself, as opposed to relying on advisors to do it for you. McClung's training in math and physics will allow her to do that. What she doesn't already know, she can learn.

Contribute to Ruth's campaign if you can, and spread the word.

Why I am voting for Dr. Paul Gosar

September 22, 2010

I am Sheriff Joe Richards and I am a registered Independent and two years ago I endorsed Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress. I believed she was someone who would go to Washington and finally represent the people. What we learned was Ann Kirkpatrick voted for bigger government and not for her constituents.

That is why I cannot support her now and have endorsed Dr. Paul Gosar. I believe that Paul Gosar is the kind of straight talking leader rural Arizona needs. He will stop the runaway spending, lower our taxes and repeal Obamacare! He’ll fight to secure our border and stop the Obama administration’s assault on Arizona! That is why I have endorsed Dr. Paul Gosar and would encourage you to join me

Rural Arizona deserves to be represented by someone who cares deeply about each and every one of us, Republican, Independent and even Democrat. It’s time to bring honest, trustworthy representation back to the People of Congressional District One. Dr. Paul Gosar is just the man to do it.

Join me in supporting Dr. Paul Gosar for Congress in November.


Abracadabra! The stimulus worked?

Not so fast!

With just 34 days until the election, we are down to the wire – needing to raise every single dollar to tell voters the truth about this liberal government’s out of control spending agenda and failed economic policies.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Mitchell are hoping that if they tell a lie long enough, the people will believe it!

Not only do we know better, but we can do better!
We deserve a Representative in Congress who doesn’t scam the people of Arizona with falsehoods, outright lies, and legislative cons.

Arizona deserves a Congressman who understands how to really create jobs, grow the economy, and restore prosperity. Mitchell’s idea of a jobs program is more government and guess what… his Obama-Pelosi policies have failed.

Congressman Mitchell said that the stimulus would create 74,000 jobs in Arizona and a minimum of 8,000 jobs in our district.

After wasting $376 million dollars through the “stimulus” alone – yep, you read that figure right – unemployment has risen 15.6% and we’ve lost more than 18,000 jobs.

Liberals like Congressman Mitchell have failed Arizona.

Just another out-of-touch politician spinning lies and wasting our tax dollars!

The Obama stimulus has been a tragic failure from the beginning. Our community deserves a Representative in the House who knows how to get the job done right.

David Schweikert is a tax cutter. He believes people should keep more of what they earn. He fights for pro-growth policies that preserve our freedoms and get America back to work.

Congressman Mitchell’s idea of a jobs program is to waste $510,000 per person on flimsy proposals that are all pork and no progress!

Mitchell has squandered, he has pillaged, and he has gone too far.

We can’t afford that kind of debt, brought by the senseless liberal spending agenda.

Just 34 days to go… Mitchell and his liberal cronies need to be sent home, and we can do that right here!

We can have a strong recovery, but it requires replacing liberals like Mitchell and their failed Keynesian policies that just don’t work!

David Schweikert will defend taxpayers, clean up the waste, and restore America’s prosperity with policies that remove barriers to free enterprise and create jobs in the private sector.

Our community is full of entrepreneurs and innovators who are being harmed by policies that keep them down, tax them to stagnation, tie them up in red tape.

More jobs, less government. David Schweikert for Congress.

Click here to make your $34 contribution - - that’s just $1 a day to defeat Congressman Mitchell.

Click here to make your $68 contribution - - that’s $2 a day to defeat Congressman Mitchell

Jesse Kelly Talks With Mark Levin