Monday, September 20, 2010


Palin fights tooth and nail for Ariz. candidate

By KASIE HUNT 9/17/10 1:24 PM EDT

Dentist Paul Gosar is the only Arizona House Republican candidate who won a coveted endorsement from Sarah Palin, and it's all because he helped out Alaska's dentists.

Gosar was competing with several other 1st District candidates for Palin's backing, including a potential "mama grizzly" in 2008 GOP nominee Sydney Hay. A number of Arizona Republicans running in other districts also wanted her endorsement, National Republican Congressional Committee spokeswoman Joanna Burgos said, but Gosar was the only winner.

"The Alaska folks have been very instrumental to me, and many of their dentists are friends of hers, and that issue brought me in contact with her," Gosar told POLITICO Thursday.

Palin's method of endorsing candidates is known only for its opacity. She has backed a number of conservative women -- dubbed her "mama grizzlies" -- and candidates in Alaska, but she's also thrown her support behind at least 20 male candidates, and supports political hopefuls from Delaware to Texas to Washington state.
Gosar's Palin connection was first made when he served as chairman of the American Dental Association's Council on Government Affairs. At the time, the Alaska Dental Society was fighting against the possible expansion of training programs for dental health aide therapists -- health professionals with more limited training than certified dentists. They are often employed in rural areas where no dentists practice.
The ADA has lobbied hard against allowing training programs for dental health aides into U.S. universities. The only such program in the country? DENTEX, run through Native American tribes in Alaska.
Alaska's dentists back Gosar because he pushed the ADA to maintain its opposition to dental health aides. Certified practitioners say the aides don't have enough training to perform certain irreversible surgeries, like removing teeth. The society issued a congratulatory press release after Gosar won his primary. It called his involvement with Alaska's dentists "key" to Gosar's decision to run for Congress and urged members to donate to his campaign. At least five Alaksa-based dentists have already given Gosar money.

The connection has led to at least two face-to-face meetings with Palin, Gosar said. At one such meeting, Palin wanted to know why Gosar's campaign lapel pin featured an image of a shovel behind his name.
"She goes, 'What's the deal with the shovels?'" Gosar said.
"When you're surrounded by a pile of crap," he told her, "the only way you can dig out is one shovel at a time. Time to pick up our shovels and dig out."
"She looked at the pin and said, 'I'm never going to look at a shovel the same way again,'" Gosar said.

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Please join us...

Monday, September 20th - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Join Hugh Hewitt with Republican candidates David Schweikert, Dr. Paul Gosar and Jesse Kelly at the Arizona GOP Headquarters3501 North 24th St, Phoenix

$50 per person / $150 with photo$250 per couple (with photo)


I Left My Wallet In San Francisco

September 17th, 2010

For Immediate Release

On Los Angeles radio station KPFK this afternoon, Congressman Raul Grijalva was asked why he was in California. "A little bit of self-preservation," said Mr. Grijalva. "To raise a little cash to take back Arizona."

Yes, that's our congressman. In California. Raising money. Because that's the only place he can raise money now that's he's cost Arizona millions of dollars with his boycott. Ruth McClung has a plan to bring jobs back to Arizona, to free our economy from the shackles of big government, and support Arizona families.

Even Raul Grijalva knows he's in trouble this time around. "This is the toughest election I'm going to have," Grijalva admitted on the show, going on to say that the "opposition is energized" and citing a "lack of enthusiasm among our base."

And how out of touch with the voters is Raul Grijalva, really? He also said on the show, "We've been too cautious on getting this (the Obama Administration's) agenda moving." That's the agenda responsible for the worst economic downturn in 80 years that he's talking about.

"Raul Grijalva may be the only person in Arizona who thinks President Obama is too conservative," said CD7 congressional candidate Ruth McClung. "But since the democrats are the only ones who have done any polling in this race, it's nice to see that he's worried."

Contact: Sam Stone

Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Republican Leader John Boehner campaigns for Kelly

By Christina Stymfal

MARANA, AZ (KOLD) - House Republican Leader John Boehner was in Marana on Sept. 17 to support Jesse Kelly for Congress.

At a luncheon for Kelly supporters, Leader Boehner stated, "Southern Arizona voters need a leader like Jesse Kelly who will fight to cut government spending, tackle the debt that threatens the future for our kids and grandkids, and get our economy moving again."

"Unemployment has doubled since Gabrielle Giffords arrived in Washington," Kelly said. "Her liberal agenda is wrong for America. Retirees and families in District 8 are paying a steep price for her misguided policies. When I am in Congress, I will work with Leader
Boehner to promote policies that restore our free market economy and promote job growth."

Jesse Kelly is the Republican nominee for Arizona's Eighth Congressional District in the southeastern region of the state.

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