Monday, August 02, 2010

Video: Reid Wants the Public Option

ALG Editor's Note: In the following featured video from Americans for Limited Government, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tells Net Roots Nation he wishes there were a "public option" in ObamaCare (never mind the whole bill is a massive $2.5 trillion expansion of government-run health care):


Filmed at the left wing blogger convention Netroots Nation in Las Vegas Senator Harry Reid tells the crowd of Union members, left wing activists, and professional agitators he wanted a public option all along in the recently passed "Health care" bill. He also lies about the majority of Americans who are for "health care reform" (aka Government takeover of the Health care industry).

Harry Reid is either a liar, misleading, or a fool. 58% of people favor repeal of the Health care bill

Needless to say, Harry Reid is playing to his extreme left wing base by attending the 2010 Netroots Nation conference. That should be eye opening enough.

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