Monday, August 02, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for August 2, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
The Return of the States Bailout: "Sadly, Harry Reid thinks it's a good idea to put 22 million jobs and the capital flows generated by exports at risk all to save 160,000 bloated public sector union jobs that cannot be justified based on the budgets of the states involved."

The return of the states bailout

Private sector blues

The soak-the-rich catch-22

Gulf Coast oil spill needs an independent inquiry

Harry Reid wants a public option

ObamaCare looks worse upon further review

Rep. Ryan pushes budget reform

About those jobs that Bob McDonnell took credit for "creating"

The death of Cap & Tax

A tax increase is no way to start fighting debt

Ethics cases raise racial questions

ObamaCare won't stop rising Health Care costs

A look back on the "olden days"


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