Saturday, August 14, 2010

AG Candidates Horne and Thomas Face Off On Air

Last night Channel 10 News @ 9:00pm had a 'debate' between Tom Horne & Andrew Thomas. Here is the video, courtest of

Greg Patterson of Expresso Pundit has it right when he says, "If there is anyone out there who questions my assertion that Andrew Thomas is unfit to serve as Attorney General, take a look at the astonishing abuse of the Grand Jury process that was unsealed yesterday."

"With such flagrant and well documented ethical violations, I don't see how Thomas could possibly still be a licensed attorney this time next year. "

"So I can say that from a Conservative perspective, I'm not simply voting against Thomas. I'm very comfortable voting for Tom Horne. "

"And if Horne doesn't win the Primary...? Ok, then I'll simply be voting against Thomas."

I wholeheartedly agree 100% with Patterson's assessment!

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