Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Team Jim Waring: Phone Banks Are Open

I'm thrilled to announce the kick-off of our phone banking effort!

Many of you have asked for ways to get involved in the campaign, and phone banking is a very meaningful (and helpful) way to become engaged. It's very easy, and we'll even provide drinks and snacks during you're calls!

Please join us any day this week to make phone calls for the campaign-- we'll be calling from 6PM until 8PM, so stop by when you can.

By reaching out to voters over the phone, we can help elect Jim Waring to Congress!

Please RSVP to Danny (Danny@JimWaring.com) if you are interested in helping out at our phone banks or volunteering. We would love to have you!


Days: Monday - Friday

Time: Stop by anytime -- we're calling from 6PM until 8PM

Phone Banking Location

Jim Waring for Congress

4715 North 32nd Street, Suite 107

Phoenix, AZ 85018

Remember, this is going to be a close race, and every little bit we do will help ensure we send a conservative, principled leader to Congress!


Team Waring

P.S.: Only TEN days until early ballots are mailed out!

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