Thursday, July 15, 2010


Senator McCain continues his fight for a smaller, smarter government and against the Obama Administration's misguided tax and spend policies. He also continues to demand victory be the only option against radical Islamic extremism in Afghanistan and Iraq.Over the last few days a number of important stories have been published that I wanted to share with you.

See links below:

In other news, a new poll just released today shows overwhelming support for Senator McCain's re-election effort.

In the latest Rocky Mountain Poll by the Phoenix-based Behavior Research Center, Senator McCain gets 64 percent of the vote compared to only 19 percent for Hayworth.

Navy veteran Jim Deakin, meanwhile, gets 5 percent, with 12 percent of respondents undecided.

See news stories below.

McCain Ahead In Senate Race, Arizona Daily Star

Our strong poll numbers are a testament to all of your hard work over the last year. Simply put, your efforts are paying off!

Senator McCain and I want to thank you for all you've done, but we cannot let down our guard.

We must continue to fight hard to return Senator McCain to the congress and elect other Republicans across Arizona. Also, I just wanted to remind you again to come and join us for debate watching parties in Phoenix on Friday, July 16th and Saturday in Tucson on July 17th.

Both parties start at 6pm and you can get all the details and RSVP for the events at


Mark Buse

Campaign Manager, McCain 2010

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