Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sen. Dave Braswell: You can count on mature and principled leadership

I'm humbly asking for your support to become your next state senator for Legislative District 6, not as a favor or without serious consideration, but because of my experience, track record on issues that matter to all of us, and because I am the best candidate for the times.

We must have mature, thoughtful leadership as we grow our way through these tough economic challenges.

Over the course of 12 years in public service - from elected governing-board member serving two separate terms in both the Washington Elementary School District and the Glendale Union High School District to chairman of the Legislative District 6 Republican Committee for 3 1/2 years to state senator representing Legislative District 6 since my appointment on Feb. 8 - I've been a responsible leader for Republican principles.

My record is one of proven, thoughtful conservatism. Those who know me as a businessman, father, husband and Christian will tell you that I am a pro-life, pro-family, limited-government, low-tax, pro-education choice, secure-the-border conservative. But more importantly, I am a man of deep faith and principle.

Individuals who bypass our immigration laws show disrespect for those who come to our state legally. I proudly voted in support of Senate Bill 1070. I stood as your representative in opposition to granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and "sanctuary city"
ordinances. It is Arizona's right to protect its citizens.

As a business owner, I believe that the free-enterprise market works better than government. We must question shocking water-rate hikes, costly regulatory-permit fees and continual increases in primary and secondary business and property taxes.

As a parent, I believe an unborn child is a person with rights like you and me. As an American citizen, I support our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly. We have a right to expect tough law enforcement and firefighters to protect our neighborhoods. Parents have a right to choose where to send their children to school, and we have a right to expect them to receive a high-quality education to compete in a global economy.

Most importantly, we have a right to expect fair, reasonable, mature and principled leadership at the Legislature. I will make decisions based on what we collectively and conservatively believe is best for our future and that of our children and state. No grandstanding, no political maneuvering and no political rhetoric.

My only goal will be to honorably serve you in a mature, responsible manner and to always remember who elected me and why!
Please visit to learn more about my priorities. I ask for your vote in the Aug. 24 primary. Together. we will get Arizona back on the right track!

David Braswell is running for Senate District 6.

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