Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Political notebook: Tweet over McCain 'amnesty' baffling By Andrea Kelly and Rhonda Bodfield Arizona Daily Star

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
To hear J.D. Hayworth tell it, his GOP primary against U.S. Sen. John McCain can be summed up in one word. "Amnesty."

In last weekend's debate, he even charged McCain's support of amnesty "aided and abetted" the rising cost of health care.

If you're not sure how health care relates to amnesty, try this one. "McCain gives fake-sounding closing mourning 4 someone who died due to illegal immigration crime," tweeted social media director Rachel Alexander. "Insincere due to his amnesty bill."

Huh? McCain spent his 90-second closing honoring fallen soldiers, including Chris Moon, a Tucson infantryman killed in Afghanistan.

In a subsequent brow-knitter, Alexander tried to clarify: "For the record - my reference to McCain talking about those who have been killed referred to deaths related to illegal immigration, not a vet."

For the record, there was nothing in the closing at all about illegal immigration. But if the campaign really wants to double down on misstatements, there are surely some beheadings just waiting to be blamed on amnesty.


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