Wednesday, July 21, 2010

JD Hayworth on Crooked Candidates 2010 By Jim Nintzel

July 20, 2010

As if the relentless barrage of hit pieces from Sen. John McCain wasn't bad enough for Republican J.D. Hayworth: Now Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has put the would-be U.S. senator on the list of Crooked Candidates 2010. Here's what CREW says about him:

Mr. Hayworth served in the U.S. House of Representatives for twelve years before losing his 2006 bid for reelection in part due to his ethics issues. While in Congress, Rep. Hayworth drew intense criticism for his extensive ties to Jack Abramoff and for employing his wife to run his political action committee (PAC). Rep. Hayworth’s ethical issues were documented in CREW’s 2006 report on the most corrupt members of Congress. After losing his seat, Rep. Hayworth hosted a conservative talk-radio show, but he left that job earlier this year to run for Senate.

While in Congress, Rep. Hayworth accepted donations to his campaign and leadership PAC from convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s clients. Rep. Hayworth also used Mr. Abramoff’s skyboxes five times without reporting the costs in his Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings. Rep. Hayworth’s failure to report the skyboxes as campaign contributions violated federal election law, and Rep. Hayworth was later forced to repay the skybox owners. Rep. Hayworth was later cleared of any additional wrongdoing in the Abramoff scandal.

Rep. Hayworth’s ties to Abramoff also enriched his family. Between 1999 and 2007, Rep. Hayworth’s wife, Mary, worked as the sole paid employee of TEAM PAC, his leadership PAC. During that time, Ms. Hayworth was paid over $140,000. Additionally, $83,000 of the PAC
donations came from Abramoff-related interests. Given that the PAC’s bookkeeping was farmed out to an accounting firm, Ms. Hayworth’s role in the PAC was unclear. Rep. Hayworth terminated the PAC in 2008.

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Unknown said...

I just wanted to say thank you captain obvious to Jim Nintzel. We in AZ have know this for years.

Unknown said...

VOTE JOHN McCAIN! He is the only viable candidate in this race.

Unknown said...

I heard that at 17 of JD followers showed up an verbally accosted Jim Deakins daughter. I also heard they were all in one place b/c they heard free govt money was being offered.

Anonymous said...

Maybe JD can get an acting job as the next riddler. The costume is perfect and He= certainly perplexes us with comments.

JennsR said...

JD continues to find support in those less then moral. I suppose when Abramoff is your bud and he gives you money that was stolen from Indian Tribes, nothing should surprise us. JD creates drama from every little thing b;/c he has no campaign.