Tuesday, July 27, 2010

News from John Adam Kowalski

"He's [John Adam Kowalski] the type of person whom voters say they want in the Legislature - someone more interested in solving the state's problems than scoring partisan points."
-Arizona Republic
July 21, 2010

Dear Supporters,

Our campaign is gaining momentum. We received a nod from the Arizona Republic, arguably one of the most influential political endorsements we can receive. I've attached a copy of the article for your convenience.

Not only did the Arizona Republic recognize that I'm the type of person whom voters want leading our great state, but I'm one of the few candidates that "offer specific, practical ways to run government like business." In addition, they believe my proposal to invest a small portion of Arizona's pension fund in businesses, not banks, would grow the local economy.

Conversely, the newspaper noted that one of my opponents
and incumbents (Carl Seel) has introduced lots of bills but they are so far out of the mainstream, none have passed. They went on to state "if voters want accountability from government, it should mean removing ineffective officials."

While I'm thrilled by this endorsement, the truth is that the most qualified candidate does not always win. It's tough for a new guy like me to break into politics and therefore I need your help.

Early ballots will arrive in mail boxes at the end of the week. Please support me by telling your friends in LD-6 (North Phoenix - Moon Valley, Deer Valley; Anthem and New River) to vote for me; make a contribution to my campaign so that I may reach more voters; request a yard sign; or volunteer to make phone calls. Every little bit counts.

Thanks for your support. Together, we can build pride in Arizona.

John Adam Kowalski
Candidate, State House of Representatives
Legislative District 6

To learn more about my vision and plan to build pride in Arizona, visit

Paid for By John Adam For House 2010!

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