Tuesday, July 13, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for July 13, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
The China Problem: "China is prepared for any downturn. Are we? No. We're not. While the threat of a U.S. credit downgrade looms as soon as 2018 and the economy teeters, the White House Office of Management and Budget projects the U.S. will incur $10.6 trillion in new debt (likely) amid robust growth for the next ten years (unlikely)."

The big green lie exposed

The Bush tax cuts and the deficit myth

Confidence in Obama reaches new low

Scott Brown and Olympia Snow back Financial Takeover Bill

SEIU's new president should be asked about liabilities, change to win coalition

Pension data cries out for reform

A tale of two Kagan's

The Left changes the facts on the New Black Panther case

Mystery train

George Steinbrenner dead

Stimulating thoughts

Read more at NetRightDaily.com.

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