Monday, July 12, 2010


No need to wait until August 24th, these folks will be the big winners in the upcoming Primary Election:

  • Senator John McCain - one of the most honorable men I have ever met! John McCain has done a fantastic job for Arizona & for the country; this man should be POTUS instead of the 'Obamanation'. McCain will win by 20%....mark my words!

  • Governor Jan Brewer - the nicest person I have met in Politics! Jan has done a tremendous job as our Governor. With Dean Martin dropping out, Gov. Brewer wins the Primary & WILL defeat Terry Goddard in the General Election!

  • Jim Waring - He will be a great successor to John Shadegg. From the AZ Capitol Times: Jim Waring is a legendary door-knocker. “I think, overall, we’ve contacted more voters probably already than most people would ever think would be possible,” Waring said.

  • Senator Dave Braswell - Dave Braswell is one of the smartest & hardest working public servants Arizona has. He has already made his mark in the Legislature. Sen. Braswell has done the job for his constiuents in LD-6!

  • Representative Amanda Reeve - Amanda is a bright, young member of the 'New' generation of Legislators. She has, in a short time, distinguished herself as a 'Rising Star' in the State Legislature!

  • Tom Horne - I mention Tom (he doesn't have yard signs) as he is the BEST candidate to become the new Attorney General! Horne has done a great job as State Superintendent of Public Schools, & will be a great AG!

NOTE: As we were installing the signs, we broke the House Number Plaque (my 6 yr old grand son made sure to tell my wife immediately). I always wanted one of those that light up, so now I will get a chance to get one....


Anonymous said...

Jim Waring will not be a predecessor to John Shadegg. John Shadegg will be Jim Warings (IF he wins) predecessor.

Tony GOPrano said...

Thank You Anon, I fixed the post!