Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd: Common Sense V. Sylvia Allen - Bill Konopnicki For AZ Senate

This Thursday Consistent Common Sense Conservative Bill Konopnicki will debate incumbent, yet out of touch with rural Arizona, Sen. Sylvia Allen as they vie for a primary victory in the hotly contested LD5 state senate race.

Hosted by the Citizens Awareness Committee and Scheduled for 2p.m. at the Payson Public Library the two candidates will field questions moderated by Rim Country Regional Chamber of Commerce Manager John Stanton.

Eager to face far left progressive Payson Democrat Elaine Bohlmeyer in November’s general election, first Konopnicki and Allen must show their knowledge and answer questions regarding some of Arizona States hottest topics in front of the rural Arizonan citizenry they wish to represent.

The Immigration Bill, no doubt one of the hottest topics in the country, is sure to be on the list. Konopnicki who has consistently opposed Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants and voted in favor of the bill, recently stated at the Graham County Chamber of Commerce breakfast on July 16 2010: “We will sue the federal government and say, ‘do your job!” Sylvia Allen is also likely to have some strong rhetoric in support of SB1070. Allen is never one to miss an opportunity to twist something for political gain. (take her recent interest in Gila Community College for instance) Given her awkward statements since the bills passing and her previous support for Amnesty it should prove to be an interesting exchange. In a letter
to the Tucson Citizen in May 2010 Allen stated: “I would give AMNESTY today to many . . .”

Additional questions should include Gila Community College’s quest for independence, the new Arizona concealed weapons law, the state budget and as Konopnicki stated, what this race is really about “getting people back to work-jobs, reduced spending, paying off state debt and quality education,” to name a few.

Konopnicki’s common sense approach is no surprise having already proposed to the State Legislature a budget plan

Its Only Common Sense Conservatism Sylvia . . . Don't be afraid.

that would have aggressively paid down the debt, retiring most of it in five years instead of the current 20- and 30-year time frames without saddling future legislatures and taxpayers with tax increases to pay for today’s spending.

In mid June Sen. Sylvia Allen backed out of a debate in Safford she herself scheduled 2 months prior. The pressure is on as the August 24th primary quickly approaches thus common sense told her to accept a debate, unfortunately for Allen Common Sense is also going to win.

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