Thursday, July 01, 2010

Exclusive Video: Obama lied.White House refuses to answer about Obama/Blagojevich connection

Obama has lied, and the White House is trying to cover it up. Obama said he had no contact with Blagojevich, and even that he “was not aware of what was happening.”

This is a blatant lie considering that it has been revealed in the Blagojevich case that Obama called a local union leader the day before the election to get him to communicate with Blagojevich about his favorite pick for Senate, Valerie Jarrett.Now the White House is trying to cover it up and refusing to answer about it, hoping that the
mass media will forget it and pass it by.

Don’t let this be passed by! Obama has lied. Get the word out and forward this page and video to anyone you know who is concerned about America’s future.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The prosecution is going out of their way to avoid any mention of Obama's name...The reason they arrested Milorad when they did was to protect Obama and his staff...It is unpresedented for a U.S. Attorney to make an arrest before the actual crime is committed...Milorad was NOT a flight risk...There were NO statute of limitations pending...and he was day's if not weeks away from naming a successor...The feds should have arrested him when Milorad made the deal and made the announcement for the SENATE would still have to swear in his choice which would have been an ideal time for Fitzgerald to reveal the contents of his covert investigation...WHY do you think Barack came to Chicago on Memeorial day just 3 day's before the trial was to begin when we are currently on 2 war fronts??? NOW we have the prosecution refusing to call anyone who has ties with Obama in the Blagojevich trial to protect him from any accidental testimony.