Thursday, July 01, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner July 1, 2010

Byron York - Portland police re-open Al Gore sex case

The Portland Police Bureau has decided to take another look at the accusation by a local massage therapist that former vice president Al Gore sexually assaulted her in a hotel room in October 2006. On Wednesday evening the department issued a terse statement saying the once-closed investigation is now open again:

The accuser, a woman named Molly Hagerty, says Gore assaulted her during a late-night massage at the trendy Hotel Lucia on October 24, 2006. According to police, Hagerty declined to tell her story to investigators in the weeks after the alleged attack. It was only in January of 2009 that she gave a statement to police. That statement, 73 pages long, is filled with details about Gore’s behavior on the evening in question.

Chris Stirewalt - Bubba is back, and that's bad news for Barry

The current Clinton resurgence may or may not be the groundwork for a 2012 primary challenge of our beleaguered president. That will depend on when (and if) President Obama can pull himself out of his current skid.

But whether this is the start of Hillary's revenge or just some flexing by the former first lady and her globetrotting husband, it's still bad news for Obama. Americans may not be certain if they're ready for a Republican president, but the chorus of regret over Hillary's 2008 loss is deafening.

Susan Ferrechio - House Dems to force domestic spending into war bill

With the July Fourth recess looming, House Democrats are hoping to pass a war funding bill this week that also includes $15 billion in domestic spending, including $10 billion to cover the salaries of about 140,000 public school employees.

Julie Mason - Obama pushes 'Recovery Summer' in chilly economic climate

President Obama is opening an economic front against Republicans -- calling objections to his fiscal policies "just politics" and saying the economy "is headed in the right direction."

"They figure if they just keep saying no to everything and nothing gets done, they'll get more votes in November," Obama said of the opposition. "It's no wonder folks are so cynical about politics."

Julie Mason - Obama to Wisconsin -- but where's Russ Feingold?

It's a mildly interesting election year conundrum for Obama. He needs to keep all the Dems he can get in the Senate, and Feingold looks to be in serious trouble. But Feingold is also the standard-bearer for Obama's Troubles on the Left -- criticizing the administration for national security, war and other policies. He is currently threatening to vote against financial reform.

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