Monday, June 14, 2010


Mary Helen Ramming - Carly Fiorina doesn't owe Barbara Boxer an apology for private hair remark

When Carly Fiorina made fun of Barbara Boxer’s hair this week, female bloggers, pundits, and columnists screamed for an immediate apology from Ms. Fiorina. Come on gals, really, as if you want to be held responsible for every comment you have made chatting away with colleagues and co-workers. Put a live mic and camera in front of your face and I bet your demeanor and the content of your comments changes rapidly.

Max Borders - Academia's latest propaganda factory, the 'Cry Wolf' project

The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie. --Joseph Schumpeter

Modern liberals and progressives have never been able to come to terms with the fact that some people just don't embrace their worldview--that is, that the state should be the primary instrument of social change. Advocates of limited government see centralized power as dangerous--not only in terms of threats to human liberty, but in terms of economic decline. Like Madison, we know that men are no angels. Progressives, on the other hand, cannot imagine a world without elites running things. Higher education - a cloister for "progressive" thinking - has always been the place where Utopian plans are conceived before being passed to the pamphleteers--and then tossed into the sausage grinder of government. But their methods are changing. There's a new twist on an old m.o. Call it "manufactured consensus."

Tom Blumer - Uncle Sam collecting less while the economy grows

The federal budget deficit in May 2010 wasn't as bad as May 2009.

As seen in the most recent Monthly Treasury Statement, the May 2010 deficit of $135.9 billion came in about 28% lower than the $189.7 billion shortfall that occurred during the preceding May.

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