Monday, June 14, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 14, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day from
A Tale of Two Countries: Why is the U.S. Drowning in its own Blood while China Prospers?: "Whether there is time for America to reverse course is something one can only guess. But the path of enlightened self interest and national sovereignty practiced so aggressively by the Chinese is clearly the way the U.S. should go. The "World Government" dreamers and Ivory Tower gurus need to be shoved aside and hard-nosed realists put in their place. Just like they have done in China."

Dems to push for $50 billion Bailout for states…

Deepwater-gate: Administration modified peer-reviewed report after it was reviewed by scientists

Obama's Radical Judges: Elena Kagan on the First Amendment – Should the Supreme Court go motive hunting?

Time to stop funding luxuries, like public broadcasting

Government takes on journalism's next chapter

ObamaCare's true face emerges…

The other national debt

49% says Democrats are too liberal…

Big Labor is humbled by Lincoln's win

Politicizing the Fed

Dem Congressman goes berserk on college students

Clyburn: Bipartisanship means you should never say "cut taxes"

Why, oh why, doesn't Obama save us?

Government-controlled prices are freely set prices


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