Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 30, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to the
Dodd-Frank financial takeover bill: "The Dodd-Frank financial takeover bill will not address the real causes of the financial crisis that government caused, and instead creates new, radical powers for the government to seize disfavored firms, bail out favored ones, monitor finances, and levy unlimited taxes on the American people, all without any vote in Congress or the opportunity to object in court."

Why Obamanomics has failed

The standard for judging Kagan

Harry Reid under fire over Chatigny

VAT: Another tax that hits the middle class

Earth to Obama: "Stop Spending!"

Privileges and Immunities: Rights protected the way the framers intended
Gun shy

Banking overhaul turns U.S. into "Bailout Nation"

The bailout tax…

ObamaCare is bad for business

Partisanship and the press

Will Elena Kagan allow books to be banned?

Oops, they made the data up

In dubious battle (Professor Boudreaux may be the best educator in America)

Bureaucratic red tape prevents world's largest skimmer from cleaning Gulf…


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