Friday, June 25, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for June 25, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to
House Democrats being unable to produce a budget: "Pelosi and Hoyer should be held accountable for the words of their own Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt who infamously stated in 2006, 'if you cannot budget, you cannot govern'… Their failure to produce a budget due to political concerns is a dereliction of duty at a time when our nation needs heroes to step up to meet this crisis, not wannabe leaders who cower in fear and hope it goes away."

The Obama administration stops at nothing to ban oil drilling

The best stimulus? Spend less, borrow less

Wall Street reform hits Main Street

Cartoon of the day, "At least Obama's consistent"

Byron York: Obama and Dems heading for electoral disaster

Business's buyer remorse

Obama in crisis

Economist: Doubts about Obama as a War President

Washington Times: The case against Kagan

Newsweek: Is Chris Christie the best Governor in America?

If you love newspapers, let them go

What about BP's victims?


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