Thursday, June 24, 2010

JOHN McCAIN UP BY 23% in Arizona US Senate GOP Primary Survey (6/24/10)

More really BAD NEWS for the Desperate Hayworth "Huckster" Knee Padders:

Arizona US Senate GOP Primary Survey (6/24/10)

by magellan on 24th June 2010 in Arizona, Blog, Survey Archives

Among likely Republican primary voters in Arizona, Senator John McCain leads former Congressman JD Hayworth by 23 points, 52% to 29%, 14% support “another candidate” and 5% are undecided.

These numbers are based on a Magellan Strategies automated survey of 1,139 likely Republican primary voters on June 22nd. With two months to go before the August 24th primary, it is clear that John McCain is in a strong position, especially among a vital voter subgroup, seniors.

Voters that are 65 and older will constitute 45% of the overall Republican primary vote, and John McCain currently enjoys a 32 point lead over JD Hayworth, 55% to 23%. JD Hayworth’s strongest base of support is coming from male voters aged 18 to 54, but John McCain still leads among the voter subgroup, 41% to 38%.

2012 GOP Nomination Ballot Test

Among likely Republican primary voters, Mitt Romney leads Sarah Palin 29% to 18%, followed by Newt Gingrich with 16%, Mike Huckabee with 14%, Ron Paul with 5%, Tim Pawlenty with 3%, Rick Santorum with 2% and 14% of respondents are undecided.

Download survey press release toplines, crosstabs and presentation below.

AZ US Senate Republican Primary Survey Release 062410

AZ US Senate Repubican Primary Survey Topline Results 062410

AZ US Senate Republican Primary Survey Crosstabs 062410

AZ US Senate Republican Primary Survey Presentation 062410