Friday, June 04, 2010

Jim Waring says Liberal Congress on Spending Spree

Liberal Congress on Spending Spree

You work hard for the money you earn, and you do so in order to provide for your family. Your tax dollars must be treated with respect and not wasted.

In Congress, I will fight to make sure every dollar collected in taxes is spent with the utmost duty of care and diligence. We must never waste the money in our nation's treasury-- because it's not Congress's money or the President's money-- it's YOUR money.

Washington’s spending is out of control. They've treated your money with no respect or discipline. They've wasted your money on special pork projects, and they've violated the public’s trust by deepening our debt--- all the while, never failing to throw a billion dollars here or there for special pet projects.

I’ve voted in the legislature year after year to cut taxes, and for my efforts, I’ve been named “Champion of the Taxpayer” and “Guardian of Small Business,” and I will continue this fight when in the United States Congress. I want you to know that I will be a proud NO Vote on these out-of-control, do-nothing, big-spending, pork-barelling projects. And I'll fight every day on the Floor of the House to ensure your money is spent with the care and respect it deserves. After all, it is you who earned it, not Congress.

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