Saturday, May 01, 2010

TOM HORNE discussing his support for HB2281 - the Ethnic Studies bill that just passed the legislature


Tom Horne, who is running for the Republican nomination for state attorney general, wrote the bill and championed it as it moved through the Legislature.

The Arizona Department of Education says a bill's been passed that would ban ethnic studies for Tucson Unified School District.

Tom Horne, the head of the States Education system, says he's been trying to get the bill passed for two years.

"I think it's over due, The Department of Education will now have the authority to put a stop to extremely dysfunctional practices in Tucson Unified School District," Horne said.

Tom Horne also says the TUSD ethnic studies program is designed to promote ethnic chauvinism.

Horne said, "They divide kids by race, they have La Raza studies for the Latino kids, African American studies for the African American kids, Indian studies for the Indian kids, Asian studies for the Asian kids, it's just like the old south and they've got everybody divided up by race."

Whether TUSD obeys the ban on ethnic studies is aside from the fact that Tom Horne wants the bill signed.

Horne said, "What's important is what we know, what we can do, what is our character, our ability to appreciate beauty, that kind of thing, not what race we've been born into."

Right now the bill is waiting for Gov. Brewer's approval.

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