Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Legislative District 6 Senator DAVE BRASWELL
has a brand new website,


Sen. Dave Braswell currently is the CEO & Co-Founder of UpSlope Solutions and co-author, with his business partner Randall Eden, of the Risk Management in Education Series, Legal Issues & Employee Risk Management in Education.

Prior to co-founding UpSlope, he served as the Vice President for Education at PLATO Learning Inc. (NASDAQ: TUTR) and as the founder and President of TeachMaster Technologies Inc.

Senator Dave Braswell has more than 30 years of experience in instructional practice and research and is the principal author & designer of numerous instructional, curriculum and standards assessment management software systems including:

Standards Toolkit, Standards Record Keeping & Reporting, Standards Reference Master, Standards Design Master, Standards Vocabulary Master, Standards Assessment Resource Library, and Standards Teaching Activities and Plans.

His standards reform research and technology-driven software solutions have been marketed and sold worldwide through PLATO Learning, Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

Educated at Western Carolina University and the University of North Carolina, Sen. Dave Braswell received a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) in 1979, followed by a Master of Education in Administration (MAED) in 1986. Dave and his wife Rhonda have three grown daughters, all attending Arizona universities.

They have been married for 25 years and have lived in Arizona and the Moon Valley community of North Phoenix since moving to Arizona in 1993.

Sen. Dave Braswell served as an elected Governing Board member in the Washington Elementary School District from 1999 to 2002 and was later appointed to the Board again for a one year term in 2008. He was also elected to the Glendale Union High School District Governing Board from 2003 to 2006 and served as Board President
during his final year.

In 2003, he was appointed to serve as a member of the Joint Legislative Committee for the implementation of All Day Kindergarten state-wide and am one of three principle authors of the All Day Kindergarten legislation. He is also an appointed member of the State of Arizona Leadership Initiative serving the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sen. Braswell served for almost four years as the Chairman of the Legislative District 6 republican committee. All members of his family are life-long Republicans. He continues to serve as a Republican precinct committeeman and an Arizona state committeeman.

Currently, he is the Arizona State Senator serving the constituents of Legislative District 6. He believes the opinion of constituents on issues regarding pending legislation is one of the critical factors I gauge before making a determination to vote in favor or against legislation. If you would like to contact Sen. Dave Braswell, please include your full name, home address, zip code and phone number with your email to:


Paid for by Dave Braswell for Senate 2010

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