Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brewer to Obama Video Grabs National Attention

Brewer to Obama Video Grabs National Attention

Over 669,000 viewers have seen President Obama choose jokes over border security

Phoenix – In just over two days, Governor Brewer’s message to President Obama has become a national sensation, racking up over 669,000 views. The video: "President Obama, No One in Arizona is Laughing" is YouTube’s top "News and Politics" video and the third most viewed video on the entire site.

The video is being watched as many as 10,000 times per hour and has taken off virally, appearing in inboxes and news sites across the country. For those who haven’t seen it already, the YouTube video and stats can be found at:

Meanwhile, this weekend, President Obama slammed media devices such as video games, iPads, and other technology which has helped spread videos such as Brewer’s message on border security. Many news sources have chosen the sensationalism of those who oppose Arizona’s illegal immigration law over the reasons it is needed in the first place.

“Arizona’s law is needed because of Washington’s failure to secure our border,” said campaign spokesman Doug Cole. “We’re glad to see that there is finally some attention being paid to Arizona’s drug trafficking and kidnapping problems, even if we had to get that
message out ourselves.”

The Brewer campaign reached another landmark this weekend, breaking the 100,000 barrier on the petition in support of Arizona’s immigration law on JanBrewer.com. The list has grown at a steady pace since the campaign launched the petition less than a month ago and received a significant boost with the added attention to Brewer’s video.

“As we have said from the beginning, tough times call for a tough leader – some one who is willing to tell the truth,” concluded Cole. “From protecting education, to bringing Christmas back to the state capitol to standing up against illegal immigration, Governor Jan Brewer has told the truth and people are listening.”

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