Saturday, May 22, 2010

Peggy Neely Launches Exploratory Committee to Consider Run for Phoenix Mayor in 2011

Neely Launches Exploratory Committee to Consider Run for Phoenix Mayor in 2011

PHOENIX - Phoenix City Councilwoman Peggy Neely today announced she is considering a possible run for Mayor in November 2011, and launched an exploratory committee as a first step toward making a decision whether to officially enter the race.
Neely, in her third term on the Phoenix City Council representing northeast Phoenix, said the decision to explore a bid for Mayor hinged on her desire to continue serving the public and used the opportunity to call for a new plan to move the City forward.

“We need a vision for the city that is both broad and bold,” she told a crowd of supporters gathered for the announcement. “The future of our city depends upon aggressive, positive solutions and our ability to bring jobs to town.”

Neely said Phoenix needs a better plan to diversify our job base, called for more open decision making at City Hall, and argued that future city budgets must focus on core services at a level taxpayers could afford.

“No more emergency tax hikes,” she said, “and definitely no more promises that we can always change our minds later.”

Neely voted against the emergency food tax increase passed by the Council earlier this year saying current spending was not thoroughly reviewed before the tax increase was considered. She also questioned forecasts of revenue planners expect to gain from the tax.

“When we sit down to develop our annual budget, we must look everywhere for savings before we go back to our residents asking for cash,” she told supporters.

On the subject of jobs, Neely said she already is working with Phoenix business leaders to find ways to help them grow their presence here and to get them to help drive new business recruitment. She also signaled that she wanted city staff to become more business friendly as a way to lure more companies to town.

“Otherwise, companies will see through our words and locate their operations, offices and jobs elsewhere,” she said.

Paid for by Exploratory Committee for Neely for Mayor

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