Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for May 12, 2010

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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson's quote of the day in reference to the
Senate failing to pass Audit the Fed legislation: "The Fed and European Central Bank are essentially guaranteeing the bond sales of bankrupt countries. Without the Vitter amendment, the Federal Reserve will continue to operate in secret and with impunity, endangering the financial system, weakening the dollar, and subsidizing risky bets in the markets."

Who Will Bail Out America?

The Case for Economic Doom and Gloom

The Consequences of Not Letting Greece Go Broke

The Fed's European Bailout

Pay No Attention to the Inflation Problem…

Don't Use Oil Spill As Reason to Deep-Six Offshore Drilling

The Boom to Nowhere…

CBO: ObamaCare Will Cost More Than We Said It Would

Wellpoint to Obama: Stop False Info

One Million Votes Against ObamaCare

The Battle Over Senate Climate Bill Begins

Oppressive Dictators and the Celebrities That Love Them

Paul Ryan: Radical or Sellout?

Milton Friedman, The Welfare State and Immigration

Utah's Bennett Open To Indy Run…

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