Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jim Waring Receives Endorsement from Arizona's Credit Unions

Waring Receives Endorsement from Arizona’s Credit Unions

Group Represents Arizona’s 53 local credit unions; over 1.6 million members in Arizona

(PHOENIX, AZ) –Jim Waring for Congress announced today the endorsement of the Arizona Credit Union League, the trade association which represents each of Arizona’s 53 state and federally chartered credit unions and over 1.6 million members.

“We are proud to stand with Jim Waring, someone who has accomplished real results for Arizona,” said Austin De Bey, Vice
President of the Arizona Credit Union League. “Jim Waring has a record that stands head and shoulders above the crowd. He will serve Arizona with honor and integrity in Congress, just as he has at the state capitol.”

The endorsement came unanimously from their Legal and Legislative Committee and Credit Union Legislative Action Council, who carefully reviewed the records of all the candidates.

“Jim has a record of supporting policies which actually create jobs and spur growth, particularly among small business. Credit
union members can count on Jim Waring to be a part of the solution when it comes to fixing our economy and creating new jobs,” said Scott Earl, President/CEO of the Arizona Credit Union League.

“This endorsement from the Arizona Credit Union League highlights my long-standing commitment to fiscally-responsible practices not only in government, but within the financial community as well,” said Jim Waring.

About Arizona Credit Union League

The Arizona Credit Union League (ACUL) is the state trade association serving 53 independent Arizona credit unions, representing more than 1.6 million members and $11 billion in assets. Not-for-profit in nature, credit unions provide low cost financial services to their members. Founded in 1934, ACUL supports credit unions in Arizona with governmental affairs, regulatory compliance, legal, human resources, education, communications, publications and public relations services. ACUL is affiliated with the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), U.S. Central Credit Union, the World Council of Credit Unions, and the CUNA Mutual Group. For more information visit:


Jim Waring is a Republican candidate for Congress, and served as state Senator from 2003 – 2010. He’s accomplished real results for Arizona, made tough decisions in the legislature, and is committed to bringing fiscal discipline and conservative principles to Washington, DC. To learn more, please visit

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